Hi, I am looking to add a pastebin type website to my box so I can use it a little more for personal use. I was wondering if there is a way to figure out how to do this and if I could get pointed in the right direction? I found this too: Thank you!by Collegeguy - PirateBox (General)
I just ordered it yesterday, once i receive it (19-30 days) I'll try what you suggested and post an update! Thanks!by Collegeguy - PirateBox (General)
Hi! I ordered an Orange Pi Zero (Ordered from AliExpress, just search "Orange Pi Zero) and I was wondering if it were to be possible to follow the raspberry pi zero instructions to create a piratebox from this device. Here is the home website's download page, the Opi zero isnt on there yet. Any help/tips/ect.. Would be awesome! Thanks!by Collegeguy - PirateBox (General)