Any idea how to turn posted urls (http://...) into "real" clickable links within the chat?by dataminer - PirateBox (General)
What about the idea of rewrite links -written into the chat window- into real a href links? Any idea?by dataminer - PirateBox (General)
This design should be installed by default! Awesome!by dataminer - PirateBox (General)
@Matthias The file /opt/piratebox/tmp/break.log SOLVED my problems! Wohooo! A simple style.css was missing. Thank you sooo much!by dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt
Matthias Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You can do a "fallback" to the old version (where > data.pso is read), using piratebox.lan/chat.html Still nothing. Whats the easiest way to "reset" or reinstall the whole piratebox und my MR3040?by dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt
brokenr1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm using the MR3040 as well. (...) I love the > small portable form with the built in 2000 mAh > battery and micro usb barely sticking out. Soooo true! threw my 3020 away (bricked it) and bought this nice peace of hardware. Many absolutely fave!by dataminer - PirateBox (General)
My "best buy hint" for outdor fun is: Battery charger case: Batteries for this pack: Payed about 18 EUR for both, dataminer - PirateBox (General)
If above dir-listing.external-css ="/opt/piratebox/www/light-dir.css" did not work for you try this one ... place a new file "HEADER.txt" into your Shared-directory and create / edit style.css in /opt/pirabox/css/ FILE: HEADER.txt Language: HTML<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"> <html> <head> <title>PirateBox - Shared Fby dataminer - PirateBox (General)
Matthias Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Does this file change? > Does it have the correct permissions? > Was something changed in piratebox.conf ? Yes, every new shoutbox comment is correctly saved into this file. Yes, permissions are correct, even if set to 755 or 777. Yes, it was changed to "do not reset chat". Think theres an errby dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt
Think the only problem is that "data.pso" (the file with saved chats) is not included correctly. Checked it with firebug but dont get any dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt
Firefox / IE10 or chat.html all the same: No output from dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt
Bought a batterycase and 4x3000 mAh batteries: Case ~ 9.00$ Batteries ~ 8.00$ --------------------------------------------- Round aboud 17$ ... And now got power for about 8 Hours for my dataminer - PirateBox (General)
Installed a fresh piratebox 0.6.3 on my new MR-3040. The only problem now is following: Typing into chatfield -> no problem. Data is correctly stored into "/cgi-bin/data.pso" file. But nothing of this comes up within the main chat frame. Anyone an ideas what could cause this problem? A bug?by dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt
Tried to reflash with this one: cd /tmp wget mtd write openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-squashfs-factory.bin firmware reboot Backside says 8853A-MR3020V1 Wonder why this happened because I flashed this device more than 10 times this way dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt
Got the same problem. Tried to reflash openwrt and everything seemed to be fine, before restart. Now my MR3020 looks like continously rebooting every 2 seconds. Power led is always on, but all other leds light up every 2 seconds. Tried failsave -> not possible. Bricked? Next try via serial?by dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt
... No tutorial for PHP on Piratebox und your modification list any more. :*(by dataminer - PirateBox (Development)
Try this one ... and your MR3020 will be clean flashed ... Language: PHPcd /tmp wget mtd write openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-squashfs-factory.bin firmware rebootby dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt
Dont try Windows "telnet" ... use puttytel, change the passwd and after that use putty to dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt
Just bought this for my MR3020 to make it a bit more flexable. How long (hours) do you think it will work do its job? Or is there anyone who has this charger and tried it, yet?by dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt
What operating system are you using? Did you try to put your MR3020 to another IP within your homerouter ip-range, like and set the gateway of your MR3020 to (your home router), just for setup and installing? If you're using Windows, try WinSCP and connect to it over SCP (not SFTP) protocol via your dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt
Finally got my MR3020 and turned it into a PirateBox within 10min, first .. after I reflashed it 3 or 5 times to get things working as I wanted. Thx to you all of you documenting guys and all those wiki-topics on The most helping hint was the "wget-2-factoryreset" command, before everything worked fine. On the other hand -although I'm german- ... englisch guby dataminer - PirateBox OpenWrt