Sorry ! Okay this has been changed ! Thank !by Elzou - PirateBox (General)
Hello, I found a few things I'd like to share that will perhaps help some people. For me it works. This allows to little costum page. Examples : --------------- The changes are added to this file with : vi /opt/piratebox/conf/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf # It adds a CSS file for layout (light-dir.css is an example ) dir-listing.external-css ="/opt/pirabox/www/light-dir.csby Elzou - PirateBox (General)
Thank you for your quick response Yes I looked this page but I do not understand what changed file ? lighttpd.conf ? I'm a noob. Basically I want to create a html page including directory list ?by Elzou - PirateBox (General)
Hello I would like to know how I can change the directory listing: - Add a background image - Change the icons - Change the title I searched a lot on the net but I did find a Tutoriel but that does not work with the latest version 0.5.1. Thank you Sorry for my poor Elzou - PirateBox (General)