I have control of the router, so I know it's not a proxy issue... I can take the pirate box to a few friends and see if it works with their machines... but I think that it's something about Windows. It's just too weird that it seems to not work on all Windows Machines (7,8,&10) Though I haven't tested it with a mac yet... (just an iPhone) Is there anythingby FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
Could it be some kind of windows firewall issue? Seems unlikely...by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
Static DNS was the first thing I thought of as well, however while I have that set up on my PC - it is not set up on every desktop in the house, and I have seen this issue before. going to piratebox.lan does not resolve the issue. It seems like computers simply refuse to recognize the piratebox as an internet connection, and refuse to redirect.by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
So, I had a very old install of piratebox on an MR3020... I had basically given up on it as junk... It would run for a while and then just drop... but then I saw that 1.0 had been released! So, I wiped the flash drive (oops) which made it a little difficult but I finally got back in from a Linux Machine and managed to reflash OpenWRT with the newest squashfs-factory.bin firmware... I wby FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
No ideas?by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
No unfortunately, almost zero load. It was just shutting down for no reason. I'd have to unplug it and plug it back in to reboot it. No change in the lights, it just stops broadcasting SSID and doesn't allow any new connections.by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
I should add that I was trying to have this up and running at an event... so I think it times out after less than an hour or so of operation... but it maybe be a little more than that... I'm really unsure.by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
I have had this Piratebox for a while.... So, the original image was likely out of date. Probably that is not an issue. However - with this new image and setup.... Everything works perfectly... UNTIL it doesn't. I am not sure how long the PirateBox runs for... but after a certain amount of time, it is shutting down and not handing out IPs anymore or broadcasting an SSID. It just sby FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
I'm showing the netbook screen just to show that I totally customized the UI based off of Nagren's Design 2.0 in order to create a mobile communications hub for the freedom activists from Here is a closeup of the box itself. I designed the label in photoshop and made it a little bigger than the mr3020 and just cut the excess off with an exacto... I wanted something a little snaby FTLJohnson - PirateBox (General)
I went through every step it seems you are going through... I documented my process here. When I got to the point you are at... I wiped it. A link to the instructions (from Matthias) are in that thread. Fair warning... I spent HOURS but it's now totally customized and running great.by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
HERP DERP. It wasn't working on my Windows box because my windows machine was not set to automatically obtain DNS over wifi. Fixed.... and I've also customized the UI now based on Nagren's Design 2.0. Coming along nicely! (I'll post a pic soon)by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
It's three lines so it looks like it's three commands... 1. /opt/piratebox/bin/timesave.sh /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf install 2. /opt/piratebox/bin/install_piratebox.sh 3. /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf imageboard Right? NO. Wrong. It's actually two. /opt/piratebox/bin/timesave.sh /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf install and then /opt/piratebox/biby FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
OK.... I've gotten everything reinstalled... and everything is working... Except one issue.... The redirect and file upload work great in firefox in linux.... When I connect from my Windows 7 box.... Nothing works! piratebox.lan/ says "Server not found" The redirect to fails... The upload module says 'server not found' It generally just doesn'by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
I am in awe of you. I'm just getting started in linux.... You're like a super genius to me. I was able to flash the mr3020 using that python webserver... amazing! I'm now going to go through the installation steps again... and hopefully I don't screw it up this time... Thanks again!by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
I just want to wipe the whole thing and start over using the bin you posted above.... How do I best do that now that I no longer have the tp-link firmware and only have openWRT on it?by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
It did before.... (like 2 hours ago) How do I fix that? I know my USB stick is not defective. Maybe I formatted it wrong in windows?by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
arrrrgh... So after getting it running... I was still having an issue with the upload file box... (I think I had changed the ip in too many places) so I messed with more settings... and killed everything. So, now I went to follow your instructions.... to wipe it and start over with the new .bin image.... I run step 1 of your intructions from failsafe mode and it says... mount:mouby FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
Thanks for all the work you do here.by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
I wish there was a clearer pinned post on how to erase everything, make sure the firmware on the MR3020 is up to date, and then just start over. That would have saved me a lot of time.by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
Actually, I got it running.... I used 0.6.3 by following these instructions. I got it running after several hours of banging my head against the wall by editing opkg.conf from Language: HTMLsrc/gz attitude_adjustment http://stable.openwrt.piratebox.de/ar71xx/packages to Language: HTMLsrc/gz attitude_adjustment http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/ar71xx/packagesby FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
Based on that thread, I tried to change the URL from Language: HTMLsrc/gz attitude_adjustment http://stable.openwrt.piratebox.de/ar71xx/packages to Language: HTMLsrc/gz attitude_adjustment http://stable.openwrt.piratebox.de/ar71xx_AA/openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-squashfs-factory.bin but that didn't work either so I changed it back... This sucks.by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
So, for example... I already found this thread.... and well... that doesn't work because my file ALREADY says that.by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
Also it means that this command is broken too opkg update && opkg install piratebox* It returns the same error message because the piratebox installations themselves seem to refer to this missing 404'd Packages.gz file.by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
Further detail - Though am I not sure if it is relevant... I am using an MR3020.by FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt
Language: HTML* opkg_download: Failed to download http://stable.openwrt.piratebox.de/ar71xx/packages/Packages.gz, wget returned 8. I have tried 0.5.1 and 0.6.3 - neither work. I have followed the instructions in a google doc (from these forums which refer to the out of date 0.5.1 version) and on also on (which refer to 0.6.3) Sigh... 3 hours now... I was just trying to erase and reinstallby FTLJohnson - PirateBox OpenWrt