That's a pretty broad request. PB isn't a small project. You can review the project here: Also, there will be obvious differences since PB runs on OpenWRT (not dd-wrt).by angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
I posted about the Black Swift quite a while ago (probably years ago) and mine has finally arrived. For those who are unaware, the Unwired One (as the Black Swift is now called) is a tiny (barely bigger than some coins) single board computer that runs OpenWRT. It has wifi on board by default, a USB port for power, and a USB port for whatever else. I've been trying to manually install PB oby angrygnome - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
I saw this on Kickstarter and thought it would make a pretty awesome Piratebox: You could potentially use something like this to attach a microsd card: or just a USB OTG angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
I posted a picture earlier in this thread of my Piratebox-in-a-book... but I've added a few more to the family since then. From left to right: TP-LINK MR10U with a Kingston Digital 64GB DataTraveler, two MR3040s with 64GB SanDisk Cruzer Fits, and a MR3020 with a 32GB SanDisk Cruzer Fit and a PowerGen 6000mAh battery. :-Dby angrygnome - PirateBox (General)
I did not build an image for it. I used the firmware you linked to in your original post and then followed the OpenWRT PB DIY instructions here: Make sure to install the kernel modules described in step 15. It's not hard to do if you follow the angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
Here's a pic with the MR10U and the MR3020 for comparison. Performance seems about the same for both (which makes sense since they have similar hardware). It's awesome having a battery built in. You don't even need something to put it in... just throw it in a pocket. I bought mine here: TinyDeal Shipping is free but I selected DHL express for $12 and it got to me inby angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
Thanks Matthias! I was able to get PB working on the TL-MR10U before you put this up. I manually installed the kernel modules, etc. (Works great.) I'm installing PHP and configuring it now. I'll update with more details when I get home angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
Thanks for the tip. I ordered one. I'll let everyone know if/when I get PB running on angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
Awesome johanrusli. I'm glad it worked for angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
It looks like you stopped piratebox completely in order to connect to the internet. I assume you did something like this: /etc/init.d/piratebox stop This will unmount /mnt/usb which is where php and the php modules get installed. That's why the "-d piratebox" is in the opkg install command. Probably the easiest way (as far as I know) to keep piratebox running and everythingby angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
johanrusli Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Could you show me the command to install PHP > modules in Step 3? Edited the post and added it in. The command was also in the PHP installation section of the modifications angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
Ok. Post has been edited to be more complete and more like a tutorial. If you have any questions or if I didn't explain something fully please let me angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
johanrusli Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Wow....I am really excited to install this. Your > full tutorial is really what I need. Absolutely. It may be a few days because I'm insanely busy at the moment... but I'll get a full tutorial up angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
Matthias Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > awesome good work > > > > may I'm allowed to share this on my wiki > ?? Of course. You may want to give me a few days to turn it into a full tutorial though. I'll include what I edited in the other PHP files. Also, I noticed last night that I'm missing a phpby angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
So... I managed to get COPS (see title) installed on my PirateBox 0.6.3 on an MR3020. (In case you don't know what Calibre is or what it does, you can find more info here.) COPS is great application that allows me to have a fully searchable book archive with book descriptions, ratings, and other metadata. This is how I did it: 1. Install PirateBox as normal. 2. Connect PB to internet aby angrygnome - PirateBox OpenWrt
Matthias Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Oh direct connect, mh? That is a sooo old > software, wondering if anybody still uses it. It > is ages ago, I used it last time.... > > Why shouldn't it possible? You only have to take > care, that you install the additional packages on > the USB drive, you know. > > On the defby angrygnome - PirateBox (Development)
Just wondering if it would be possible to get opendchub running on a MR3020 running PirateBox. I think it would be cool thing to have. I have it running on a FON2100 router without issue. It has less RAM and a slower CPU but more angrygnome - PirateBox (Development)
I'm sure you no longer need photos for the interview... but I thought I'd share some pictures of my newly created piratebox called "The Library." Obviously it is meant for sharing books. The battery is rated at 6000mAh and I have found that it can easily run the router for more than 24 hours. Let me know what you angrygnome - PirateBox (General)