Apologies for the rather long time interval between an istallation session with Matthias. (thanks!!)
Please let me know what you think.. Hope to make this easier for people.. Or at least to help people do mistakes that I didn't..
The installation was on tl-wr703n.
Pre installation suggestions:
* change the IP range of the internet router away from the 168.192.1.x range. (we did 168.192.31.x range) - that is because the device is preset for
* connect the box with an ethernet cable to the internet router
* We had a difficulty connecting to the box and the internet at the same time and Mattias managed some networking magic to fix it..
Next you need to download the auto install - this means downloading 2 files:
1 - [
2 - [
The idea with the zip file is to use a USB stick with the tl-wr703n box.
Hence -
Take the Zip file and extract it on your computer, then copy the install folder into the usb stick.
Now we want to install the 2nd file - the OpenWRT system - into the actual tl-wr703n box, and replace the current firmware.
To to that, follow the following:
* Connect the usb stick - with the copied intall folder - to the wr703n box.
* Connect your browser to the box by going to - this will give you the Chinese interface to the box.
(You'll be asked for user/pass details - admin for both..)
* Now the screen should display stuff with links on the left.
* Click the last link, the one that points to: DateTimeCfgRpm.htm
* Now a new Submenu list should come up. Click the 3rd link from the top. The one that points to: SoftwareUpgradeRpm.htm
* Now you should see a box. Click the button and you should be able to browse on your computer.
* Select the OpenWRT downloaded after the zip file. Click OK and then the Chinese button - it should basically begin installing the OpenWRT on the box.
This process should take between 10 to 45 mins - depending on your USB stick speed.
Once finished, you want to reboot the box.
The OpenWRT system is intalled and we want to set a username and password.
* Open a command line interface and type:
then type:
passwd (click enter)
Now the system is set for Admin userName as: root with the password you typed earlier.
The next steps are to do with Setting the box inside. For that we want to SSH into the box using a terminal, PuTTy, or something similar.
To connect:
(port is 22 if asked)
type the password, and now you are in..
Check the details for Post Installation here:
However, the files to change will require using a painful editor called Vi..
Here are the basic commands you might want to use.
One of the things to recall about Vi is that you need to go in and out of editing mode.. I think its one of the confussing things about the tool..
Here's a quick Cheat sheet:
Missung in this sheet is:
Before entering the commands you need to type-
will give you the insert mode to edit files..
* Time saver functionality doesnt work in this version of pirate box - 1.0 - so forget about it.
More details about tp-link tl-wr703n OpenWRT firmware upload:
Any thoughts??
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2014 06:40PM by lostsys.