This is How to change the Piratebox.lan Address.....

Posted by josephchrzempiec 
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This is How to change the Piratebox.lan Address.....
February 25, 2016 07:24AM
Hello all i didn't know where to put this at so i put it here. when i connect to the wifi connection from my laptop it opens my default browser and goes to piratebox.lan. So i couldn't figure out how to change that with the help google and the Irc channel i found it in the /opt/piratebox/www area there is a file called redirect.html if you edit it locally from the Raspberry pi as i did Which is What I'm doing on this project in there will be a area called
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://selfieboxoffice.lan/" />

You can change that to whatever address you like that is up to you. So i did that to says pictures.lan and when i go to connect to to my raspberry pi from my laptop it opens my browser and goes to pictures.lan it works it's changed address. Hope everyone enjoys it as much as i have to learn about Piratebox smiling smiley
Re: This is How to change the Piratebox.lan Address.....
February 26, 2016 12:43PM
see this link. It is listed there smiling smiley
