What is possible on the piratebox?
October 18, 2016 01:34PM
Ok so I have just found out about the pirate box and I really like it. I have several question on its capability's, and what I would like it to do.

I have most of the parts needed to build a piratebox, MR3040, sandisk 2.0 128g usb stick, extra PC, 8000mah power pack, android mini PC, ect. I am not sure what hardware set-up would be best.

I envision placing this in my brother apartment, he lives in low income housing and most people do not have internet.
I would like for multiple people to be able to connect and use the pirate box.

So I understand the when you log on any address you type in redirects you to the landing page, where the chat, forums, and file folders.

1) is it possible allow web address to land own private webpages on device? I envison in the main page a list of functional webpages I create for the device. If this is possible what would the capability of these webpages be, would they only be allowed to have simple text and pictures, or say could they host flash-games, soundboards, or a webcam?

2) When somebody goes into folders area with mp3 or video file, can the stream directly, or will it only initiate a download. If not can the video or music be streamed?

3) is it possible to set-up flash games or a game emulator that can be played without downloading (not sure if this is called streaming). I think I asked this in question 1

4) Host off line wikipedia XOMA

5) connect to webcam that users can watch

6) host and broadcast web radio station from mp3 files.

7) hacks or devices to extend range, or increase number of users that can connect with good connections.

8) would a PC be better for this? android PC (quadcore), raspberry pi 3, ect?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Re: What is possible on the piratebox?
October 20, 2016 05:26AM

1) is it possible allow web address to land own private webpages on device? I envison in the main page a list of functional webpages I create for the device. If this is possible what would the capability of these webpages be, would they only be allowed to have simple text and pictures, or say could they host flash-games, soundboards, or a webcam?
You can also install PHP messageing boards on a RPi (Supported OpenWrt devices are not powerful enough). Theoretically, you can also hook additional hardware up the running PirateBox smiling smiley


2) When somebody goes into folders area with mp3 or video file, can the stream directly, or will it only initiate a download. If not can the video or music be streamed?
Via the folder the files are downloaded by the browser. Depending on the browser, it is possible that a player pops up and you can actually watch it. Real streaming is happening via the minidlna media server, which requires an extra app on the smartphone. On PCs vlc mediaplayer is enough.


3) is it possible to set-up flash games or a game emulator that can be played without downloading (not sure if this is called streaming). I think I asked this in question 1
yes, it is possible. Flashgames are stored on the receivers browser as well.... I think we have also a howto about that.


4) Host off line wikipedia XOMA
There are people, who did that. That should not be located inside the Shared folder.


5) connect to webcam that users can watch
6) host and broadcast web radio station from mp3 files.
I am sure with some effort that can be possible.. no idea what the required steps are... there are also people around who use PirateBox to stream Radio into the local radio... Talking about radio radio, not a stream via wifi o.O
Yes, it is possible...


7) hacks or devices to extend range, or increase number of users that can connect with good connections.
Won't help much. It is like shouting from a skyscraper: You can be heared, but that does not mean you are able to hear the answer. Both communication partners should be "strong".
Sure, a high gain antenna will help to be better receivable and also helps to receive itself, but there is a clipping point, where you will realize, that it doesn't help anymore :-(
The current user count is maxed to something around 200 IP addresses in a time window of 30 minutes. This is alot. That does not mean that all 200 are able to stream different things from the box.
On LibraryBox, I got feedback that on a OpenWrt/MR3020 the clipping point was around 30 people downloading larger files. Remember, Wifi is a shared communication medium.


8) would a PC be better for this? android PC (quadcore), raspberry pi 3, ect?
If you have an old PC, use this. A RPi3 has currently issues with using an additional external antenna (PirateBox Script issues). I do not recommend a android PC for your use case.
Consider using a RPi2 or a mix between a strong AP and a RPi2

Re: What is possible on the piratebox?
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