How safe is the PirateBox against attacks? Exposing PirateBox to the internet.
February 27, 2019 03:11PM
Once i set up an ssh honeypot which got a huge amount of traffic. I had that in mind when i started looking into the PirateBox. I like to use the Piratebox as an anonymous file drop/forum/chat exposed to the internet. So i could disable the Wifi and run on ethernet alone. The only worry i have, apart from the content issue which somehow i will need to get control over, is when i forward port 80 on my router to the PirateBox, how sure will i be that the PirateBox will not be used as a attack vector for the rest of my network.
So my question is: How safe is PirateBox against web-attacks?

Re: How safe is the PirateBox against attacks? Exposing PirateBox to the internet.
March 11, 2019 07:11PM
first of all: all this ssh traffic on Port 22 are only bots. Same will happen to you after exposing port 80, there are a huge amount of bots testing for vulnerabilities and deploying their code.

I am not aware of a bug which can cause trouble, which does not mean that there are no. Especially the imageboard is pretty old, so it can have known bugs with potential to be expoited.
