Install batman-adv on Raspberry Pi

Posted by dimidu 
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Re: Install batman-adv on Raspberry Pi
October 20, 2012 08:58PM
I have solved blinking page,
In piratebox.conf MUST NOT change piratebox.lan to locale static IP
only in index.html must change piratebox.lan to locale static IP from server.
And now in whole FF cloud I go to and have PirateBox.

Can I change PirateBox name to "Box" or so?

Im wiki PirateBox on Raspberry Pi
sed 'sgrinning smileyROOPY_USE_USER="yes"grinning smileyROOPY_USE_USER="no"' -i  /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf
Not worked.
Re: Install batman-adv on Raspberry Pi
October 21, 2012 08:44AM
yes you can, but you have to match the dns name to the name given in your mesh-network ( test.du.ff )

Check out this list: How to customize your piratebox

There is a list about changing the hostname.

Fixed the sed command:
Language: PHP
# sed ';s:DROOPY_USE_USER="yes":DROOPY_USE_USER="no":'; -i /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf
how do I install and use batman-adv on Pi3?
Re: Install batman-adv on Raspberry Pi
December 07, 2016 07:12PM
batman-adv is a kernel module and is most likely pre installed.
But it is not compatible with our OpenWrt image.

best regards Matthias
Complete howto for rasbian buster with batman
