Fix for Alfa external WiFi antenna? Alternative: TR-702N mini router (?)

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Fix for Alfa external WiFi antenna? Alternative: TR-702N mini router (?)
April 17, 2014 12:26AM
Hey there,

I tried to make a PirateBox out of my Raspberry Pi, but I encountered a problem: The network doesn't show up although the Raspberry tells me that he did setup everything fine for wlan0 (the antenna I use).
I used this tutorial: []
I have the Alfa AWUS0306H, and I hoped that maybe there is a working fix now for this antenna. The only fix I was able to find was this: [] (I didn't use 0.6E beta, I used current.tar.gz because that's what I was able to find at

Another idea I had was using the TR-702N mini router as a WiFi adapter thing. I had no success.

Can someone help me please?
Re: Fix for Alfa external WiFi antenna? Alternative: TR-702N mini router (?)
April 18, 2014 10:39AM


Another idea I had was using the TR-702N mini router as a WiFi adapter thing. I had no success.

This is possible. You have to change in piratebox.conf on your RPi the following lines:

# The following can be set to no, too. Depends if the device shouldn't be a DHCP & DNS Server (no redirect to piratebox.lan)

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet manual

iface wlan0 inet manual
### disalbed for PirateBox
#allow-hotplug wlan0
#wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
#iface default inet dhcp

Dont forget this
 sudo ln -s /opt/piratebox/init.d/piratebox /etc/init.d/piratebox
 sudo update-rc.d piratebox  defaults 
 sudo /etc/init.d/piratebox start

PirateBox is available at

change the config of your WR702N to:

1. disable dhcp (do not server IPs)
2. Change IP to

(If it has a mode switch, use 3g or AP mode)

Then it should work

regards Matthias
Re: Fix for Alfa external WiFi antenna? Alternative: TR-702N mini router (?)
April 18, 2014 03:30PM
Thank you!

But I already gave up the idea of using my Raspberry Pi for the PirateBox. It's simply too annoying.

On the other hand I managed to get the PirateBox working on my MR3020 only some minutes ago! I thought I bricked the router, but I got it working somehow. No clue what I did wrong first. The next thing I will do is change the website of the PirateBox and build a sexy case.

Thanks again! This is an awesome project. Do you know a way to increase the range of the router?
Re: Fix for Alfa external WiFi antenna? Alternative: TR-702N mini router (?)
April 18, 2014 03:44PM
nope, beside soldering an antenna , the mr3020 is very limited.

Why is it anoying? Well, if you had used a recommended wifi-adapter from my list, you would have had no problems....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2014 03:50PM by Matthias.
Re: Fix for Alfa external WiFi antenna? Alternative: TR-702N mini router (?)
April 18, 2014 04:18PM
It was quite annoying because it didn't really work with the Raspberry Pi.

I had that antenna lieing around, so I thought I give it a try. I wanted to build it with the things I have because I already killed my budget for tech stuff for the next months.
Re: Fix for Alfa external WiFi antenna? Alternative: TR-702N mini router (?)
April 18, 2014 04:39PM
Personally, I think the only point was the network-configuration, which is shipped on wifi only.
PirateBox runs well on RPi, if this hard point is done.

my 2 cents about that smiling smiley

I'm glad, you got the MR3020 working smiling smiley