Is there an Easy way to ADD usb-storage?

Posted by pablok 
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Is there an Easy way to ADD usb-storage?
June 19, 2014 12:01PM
Dear members,

I have been reading about changing the location of the usb-storage.
But is it possible to add a location.
I already have added my 32GB fat32 usb stick to fstab. But how can I add this to what is already Shared?
Or is this not what was foreseen with the piratebox?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2014 12:02PM by pablok.
Re: Is there an Easy way to ADD usb-storage?
June 19, 2014 11:23PM
You mean like a subdirectory in the Shared directory? Have the Shared directory on one USB stick and the subfolder on another one? You could achieve that with symlinks I guess... not sure if it works with fat32 though
Re: Is there an Easy way to ADD (usb)-storage?
October 05, 2014 05:51PM
What I meant is this: - my sd card is 16GB. Used is ca. 2GB. I also have a 16 GB usb stick plugged in as vfat. But how can I take advantage of the 14 GB left - unused now - on the sd card?
O.K. the original subject contained the words usb-storage. I put that in between parenthesis now for the subject line.
I was thinking of this. Suppose it is possible to install the raspicam on the PirateBox and have it make a photo every 10 minutes or seconds. Then I would like to leave the photo's somewhere shared.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/05/2014 05:56PM by pablok.
Re: Is there an Easy way to ADD usb-storage?
October 10, 2014 03:15PM
Well, you can use those 14 GB in any way you see fit - put photos on it/have you raspicam take photos to a directory on the SD card and symlink that directory to a subfolder of you shared folder (which is placed on the USB i guess) - is that what you want?