wlan0: link is not ready

Posted by Lullaby 
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wlan0: link is not ready
December 15, 2014 12:26AM
Hi, fist time Raspi user, new to Linux, Can't make a PirateBox out of my Pi. I was able to install and start the PirateBox. But can't find it on WiFi. I get an error wlan0: link is not ready.

Thanks from a really new newbee.
Re: wlan0: link is not ready
December 15, 2014 09:21PM
Hi, is your wifi card confirmed to be working? Did you connect it directly to the Pi or to a powered hub?

Re: wlan0: link is not ready
January 05, 2015 04:35PM
As a newbie myself, I encountered the same problem. I finally solved it by installing the alternate driver for my USB WiFi dongle. The instructions are on the "Mods" page (http://www.piratebox.cc/raspberry_pi:mods). Scroll down to the "Using Alternative HostAPD binaries and drivers (For tested devices)" and follow the steps listed. Good luck!