{SOLVED} [SSID] Name Change Issue

Posted by ph1b3r 
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{SOLVED} [SSID] Name Change Issue
January 02, 2015 07:28PM
Hey guys, I set up my raspberry pi(rate) box last night and it was a huge success. Today I wanted to make some changes to it and I was able to do all of them except of 1 change, it won't let me change my SSID name. Like I said earlier, the pirate box worked perfectly, but after I changed the SSID; the network doesn't on any of my devices after I reboot the pirate box. Please help!

ssid=Ph1b3r Piratebox - 100% offline anonymous file sharing!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2015 07:39PM by ph1b3r.
Re: [SSID] Name Change Issue
January 02, 2015 07:39PM
Nevermind! the SSID name was just too long to show!