Run Arch Raspberry Pi Piratebox over both eth0 and wlan

Posted by srccon 
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Run Arch Raspberry Pi Piratebox over both eth0 and wlan
July 04, 2016 10:28PM
Is it possible for ethernet and wireless to be going at the same time serving Piratebox content?

The directions that I've found for eth0 enabling are for Rasbian Manual DIY that enables LAN but disables wireless.

Is there a way on the Arch image to have both serving?

Love the project, I use it to distribute class materials.
Re: Run Arch Raspberry Pi Piratebox over both eth0 and wlan
July 05, 2016 08:22PM
Setting the bridge up is pretty difficult. I prepared the configuration files for LibraryBox but never released it.

Maybe you should make a backup of the SDCard before starting!

Technically, you need to do the following steps:

Create bridge interface

Create the following file /etc/netctl/piratebox_bridge
Description="General bridge interface for PirateBox"
#Enabling DHCP stuff



Enable that new bridge interface:
sudo netctl enable piratebox_bridge

Next step is to make sure that the ethernet adapter is attached to the bridge. In fact, this could be done much easier (you won't need to have a separate piratebox_bridge config.. you will see later why).

Create the file /etc/netctl/lan_piratebox_bridge
Description="Includes the Ethernet device per default to the PirateBox-Bridge"

ExecUpPost="brctl addif br0 eth0"
ExecDownPre="brctl delif br0 eth0" 


and a backup file to get internet connection again: /etc/netctl/lan_dhcp
Description="Generic profile for lan with DHCP"

After that, you need to change the piratebox scripts config:

	cd /opt/piratebox
	sed 's|DO_IFCONFIG="yes"|DO_IFCONFIG="no"|' -i conf/piratebox.conf
	sed 's|USE_DNSMASQ="no"|USE_DNSMASQ="yes"|' -i conf/piratebox.conf
	sed 's|DNSMASQ_INTERFACE="wlan0"|DNSMASQ_INTERFACE="br0"|' -i conf/piratebox.conf
	sed 's|BRIDGE="br-lan"|BRIDGE="br0"|' -i conf/piratebox.conf
	sed 's:NET=192.168.77:NET=192.168.1:'  -i conf/piratebox.conf
        sed 's|DO_BRIDGE="no"|DO_BRIDGE="yes"|' -i conf/piratebox.conf

The following changes will do the following:

* Don't setup the IP on br0
* Bring up dnsmasq listening on br0 interface
* Attach Wifi card to bridge after it is online

Next step is to attach ethernet port to the bridge:

netctl disable lan_dhcp
netctl enable  lan_piratebox_bridge

Now you can attach clients via ethernet cable and they will get an IP from the PirateBox

All changes will be applied after a reboot.

If you want to make internet possible again run the following to commands and perform a reboot:
netctl disable  lan_piratebox_bridge 
netctl enable lan_dhcp

Attention: PirateBox will be available under the IP after that change.

I am guessing it is working like that, at least that is what I can remember.

Let me know if that worked out.

best regards

This is only my signature.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2016 07:34PM by Matthias.
Re: Run Arch Raspberry Pi Piratebox over both eth0 and wlan
July 06, 2016 09:34AM
Wow! Thanks for taking the time to help me with this.

I'll follow your directions it in the next week and I'll let you know how it turns out.

One quick question, why enable IP6 in the ipv6.conf?
Re: Run Arch Raspberry Pi Piratebox over both eth0 and wlan
July 06, 2016 07:34PM
You are right, the IPv6 enable was a mistake. Please excuse that.
I changed the corresponding part at my Post above.

If that works out, I'll copy that to the wiki.

Is this suitable for setting up with a laptop that calls its wireless card eth1? Can I just substitute eth1 for eth0?
Re: Run Arch Raspberry Pi Piratebox over both eth0 and wlan
February 09, 2018 05:42PM
Depends on the wifi driver, if you want to test this, you need to change /boot/wifi_card.conf with the corresponding eth name.