Post Installation using the RPI standard CLI
April 27, 2018 01:57AM
I noticed in the build/post installation there is a lot of instructions for using PUTTY/SSH and other such magic spells and incantations!

Can it be memtioned that you can simply use the standard CLI of the RP when it is connected to a monitor, keyboard and mouse.

The instructions appear on the screen and you simply follow them one after another. The only problem I had was trying to use the command to use the SD card. The numbers of lines of text that appeard cuased the next instruction to be typed in to disappear up the page as lines of text where printed on the monitor, I couldnt find a scroll down command!

I think more people could build their own PB using the simple CLI, instead of the more technical method described in the build instructions.
Re: Post Installation using the RPI standard CLI
May 07, 2018 07:27PM
Thats true.. I'll add something on the howto