I have set up a piratebox at my job and everything works like a charm except one thing :
I have installed an opds catalog managed with COPS, I can see the files description and the catalog, but when I try to download one I'm redirected to the homepage.
The path of the catalog's homepage is /opt/piratebox/www/opds/catalogue and each file are downloaded from a path that looks like this : /opt/piratebox/www/opds/catalogue/download/[some number]/[file name].epub
I'm guessing it's coming from an automatic redirection setup in lighttpd config but I'm not sure, I tried a lot of config change but nothing works, anybody have an idea in how to fix this ?
Thanks in advance !
Edit : I resolved the problem, it was coming from a config of COPS in config_local.php, $config['cops_use_url_rewriting'] was set to "1", it has to be set to "0" in order to work.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/2018 07:47AM by Loupiote.