File deletion on reboot

Posted by pocisalie 
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File deletion on reboot
July 14, 2018 05:33PM
Hello i'm trying to create an piratebox on my raspberry pi 3 and i've tried to modify some files to custom the web UI after some debuging i've reach an correct result witch satisfied me but when i reboot the raspi the content of the folder Shared dissapear.
After some trials i've decided to reset the piratebox to get an frech install and i have follow the tutorial of instalation step by step. After that the problem is still here without any modification.

I have tried some experiment and when i'm creating an file on the hard drive from an other os (Windows 10 in my case) the file survive after reboot but that was not the case for the file whitch are upload by the piratebox. An other think is that the problem dont seem to exist for the folders.

As conclusion SOS !!
Re: File deletion on reboot
July 22, 2018 05:24PM
do you run the piratebox with an external USB stick?
If so, please take it to the windows system and run a filesystem check. That sounds like the usb stick is mounted on PirateBox in read-only mode for *some* reason.

best regards Matthias
I have the same issue with the partition on the SD card directly created via the script
Re: File deletion on reboot
July 28, 2018 12:32PM
can you both post the output of the command

You might want to write the output to a file

sudo sh -c 'dmesg > /opt/piratebox/share/Shared/dmesg.txt'

Then you can download it from PirateBox page.

The output is needed to verify if there is an issue with the partitions.

best regards Matthias
Re: File deletion on reboot
August 29, 2018 03:42PM
Someone else is currently having this issue. Reported on subreddit.
