Issues with adding imageboard tutorial

Posted by oldchan 
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Issues with adding imageboard tutorial
July 28, 2018 08:30AM
This is the mod in question. I'm running of a basic image for the RP3B+.

In the first set of commands to run under 'To make a fresh board (unactivated)' it says to run sudo rm *.* but when I run it, it says there is no such file to remove. I'm not sure what this does or if it's necessary.

The real problem is when I get to the section 'And you thought we were done'. It starts out by telling you to run sudo nano /opt/piratebox/www/index.html but I'm just given this and can not continue past:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://piratebox.lan/content" />
<meta http-equiv='cache-control' content='no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' $
<meta http-equiv='pragma' content='no-cache' />
<meta http-equiv='expires' content='0' />

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? I'm using the basic name given in the tutorial (board2) if that matters at all.

While I'm at it, does anyone have any ideas about how to implement 'But wait....There's more!' section?

Thanks for any help!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2018 09:46AM by oldchan.
Re: Issues with this tutorial? (adding imageboards)
July 28, 2018 12:23PM


it says to run sudo rm *.* but when I run it, it says there is no such file to remove. I'm not sure what this does or if it's necessary.
If you have already posts in your forum, you need to remove them. This is the step for doing so.


The real problem is when I get to the section 'And you thought we were done'. It starts out by telling you to run sudo nano /opt/piratebox/www/index.html but I'm just given this and can not continue past:
this is acutally the wrong file. The correct one is now: /opt/piratebox/www/content/index.html
I'll fix that.

Thanks, best regards Matthias
Re: Issues with this tutorial? (adding imageboards)
July 28, 2018 10:00PM
Awesome! I'll run through it later and report back.

EDIT: Ok, I managed to get all the way to the 'To make a fresh board (unactivated)', the first command sudo rm /opt/piratebox/share/board2/index.html which returns the error rm: cannot remove '/opt/piratebox/share/board2/index.html': No such file or directory .

Everything outside that command seems to run fine, though that command failing causes the piratebox to no longer display it's web pages or pop-up on connect. This is tied to the initial issues of file locations correct?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2018 01:32AM by oldchan.
Re: Issues with this tutorial? (adding imageboards)
August 09, 2018 06:49PM
Nope, that can't be in direct relation. The redirect all index.html is under /opt/piratebox/www

You need to remove the existing index.htm from the board folder and access with your browser manually to initially create a new index.html with your new subforum title.
if you do not remove the index.html, the fresh board copy just looks like the old one, because it isn't dynamically rerendered.