WPA using Raspberry Pi 3B+ default wifi.
August 02, 2018 08:18PM
Hello all, I am new to this and wanted to set up a box that has a password. I looked around and found that editing the hostapd.conf could enable WPA and have people enter a password before connecting to my box.

I followed what the file itself said first but soon could not find the box on the list of avaible connections. Afterward I looked on here and under mods there was even more settings I could set, so I edited the file and added those in as well, but again could not find the box. Here is what my file looks like now, I can find it now but it does not have WPA enabled like I wanted. Am I doing something wrong?



# Remove # to enable n wifi mode

# Put a # in front of the following line to allow
# direct client 2 client connection
# Uncomment the following lines to enable WPA
#wpa_pairwise=TKIP CCMP

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/03/2018 02:32AM by Nodding.
Re: WPA using Raspberry Pi 3B+ default wifi.
August 04, 2018 09:49PM

you probably commented out the line
which would cause the issue. So to enable the wifi network again, simply remove the #, so change to

Then if you want to enable WPA, you have to remove the # signs form the lines at the end of the file as well, so
wpa_pairwise=TKIP CCMP

For the future, it is always useful to make a backup of a file before you edit it, just in case you need to revert or check something. smiling smiley

Ubuntuhak, playing and tinkering with Ubuntu!
Re: WPA using Raspberry Pi 3B+ default wifi.
August 04, 2018 10:11PM
I had just reinstalled the OS and did nothing but uncomment the lines after it saying to enable WPA, and it works fine now. I think i messed around too much. Strangley, wpa was by default set to 2, so I think that was my problem. Thank you for the file advice, I would do that when I get more comfortable with the command line!