delete the uploaded file &change the interface of the homepage
August 18, 2018 09:06AM
I have two questions.

1) I want to delete the uploaded file.
2) I want to change the interface of the homepage (header, footer).

As amateur of Linux, please tell me the command work in detail.
· Raspberrypi 3
· PirateBox 1.1
Re: delete the uploaded file &change the interface of the homepage
August 18, 2018 10:20AM

see this post from before,16901,16910#msg-16910.
To change the landing page (UI) you have to change the index file with a text editor.

You can find a lot of info online how to delete etc. files under Linux. Example: LINK
Basically after you ssh into the RPi you can remove a file with,
rm /path/to/file.txt

Ubuntuhak, playing and tinkering with Ubuntu!