Trying to install the pyForum named Forest - bricked the install
March 23, 2019 06:28AM
I did
sudo /opt/piratebox/bin/ /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf pyForum

 sudo nano /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf

Looking for "the line starting with FORUM_LINK_HTML"

annnd it wasn't there..

so then, following the instructions, I did
sudo reboot

Then the Pi no longer worked. I already reflashed my sd card and edited stuff to get myself back to where I was before trying to change the forum.

I would really like to use a different forum, preferably one that is mobile responsive, but I don't know how to add a different one in.
Re: Trying to install the pyForum named Forest - bricked the install
April 16, 2019 01:55PM
Mh, too bad it bricked your installation.
The pyForum will be removed in a future PirateBox version anyway.... especially if you wand a more responsive version, you need to modify the PirateBox yourself.

Sorry for the bad news