RaspberryPI PirateBox Image

Posted by Matthias 
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RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
January 22, 2013 12:34PM
Hi guys,

after TerrorByte gave me the idea how to modify the image, I started today's morning modding the current (2012-12-16-wheezy-raspbian.zip) Raspian-image.
Yes, and now I'm done with the first version containing the most recent version of PirateBoxScripts_Webserver. This version is currently in beta for OpenWRT PirateBoxes but runs quite stable at all.

The even smaller HowTo can you find here: piratebox.aod-rpg.de - Raspberry/Custom Image

Remember RPi support still experimental because of USB-Wlan issues (not every stick is usable).

Who tries it as the first one? winking smiley

Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
January 22, 2013 08:34PM
As a side note, I just have to finish up the scripts (as they are being re-written so they can be packaged into major distributions) and I can easily take the Raspbian image and re-roll it with our own programs / settings which will allow us to have a simple .img file you can put on your flash disk just like you do for the normal images!
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
January 22, 2013 08:41PM
I'm looking forward that script. I did the .img upgrade manual doing all the steps written in the HowTo on the -not-installed- image.
I just thought it wasn't as that far and from starting with a proof-of-concept it went so well, that I finished it to a first release.

Don't want to miss, that you gave me the idea to use chroot winking smiley - thanks !
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
February 22, 2013 11:18PM
On [piratebox.aod-rpg.de] it says "Additional steps are required, if you want you uploaded data on a USB drive." but doesn't say what they are...?

A problem I had during the install/config steps: my US keyboard was detected as UK so several of the needed keys (# and " in particular) were located elsewhere and had to lookup the layout of a UK board to see where they were.

Also for WiFi adapters: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833704045 works out-of-box but http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005CLMJLU/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 does not.
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
February 23, 2013 08:56AM
Yes, because I haven't tried/did it yet, because my SD Cards have enough disk space.

So in generall:

For USB stick you need to mount the USB on boot up ( fstab entry) and
link /opt/piratebox/shared to <path to your mountpoint>

And you have to ensure, that the permissions are correct if you are using an ext filesystem on your USB Stick.
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
February 25, 2013 06:32AM
I'm not much good at command line without step-by-step, lol

I ask about the usb because the SD card storage space won't show on my computer, so I'm stuck uploading things one file at a time over wireless and there isn't a way to create folders. Being able to plug the SD card into my computer and directly copy files to share would be a huge plus for file management!
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
September 09, 2013 01:52PM
I am trying to use your wheezy image 02-06 but when I put the properly imaged SD card in my rpi nothing happens. I've tried every way properly to install piratebox on my pi but I don't think that image works. I'm probably wrong but if you could give me some help that would be greatly appreciated
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
September 09, 2013 06:49PM
Ehm, what did you expect?
The howto describes your first steps, after booting a fresh image, like enabling piratebox for bootup smiling smiley
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
September 14, 2013 04:56PM
when i have the raspbian image in my Pi it doesnt even boot i have to use the RPi NOOBS image to select raspbian and then from there i can get most of the manual install done but i dont understand how to edit the /etc/network/interfaces
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
September 16, 2013 06:59PM
how did you flash your SD card with my image?
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
October 09, 2013 02:55PM
He doesnt boot with this image!
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
October 09, 2013 03:07PM
Which image link did you use?
Did you have an USB Wifi connected and "PROBE_INTERFACE" activated?
Which RPi do you have?
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
November 03, 2013 11:14AM
Mine either canot boot on a Rpi B, 515MB.

The green ligth flashed once and nothing more.

Noobs boots ok on same cards (i tried 2 different cards formatted with SDformater and burned with Win32diskImager on admin mode).

Power on board is about 5.2V.

please advice.

Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
November 03, 2013 11:23AM
Same questions:

What image link did you use?
did you changed something?
How did you flash the SD-Card?
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
November 03, 2013 11:33AM
What image link did you use? : 2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img 7/6/2013 2:21pm CRC32: 6E48365E

did you changed something? : No how can i do that wothout boot?

How did you flash the SD-Card? : i tried 2 different cards formatted with SDformater and burned with Win32diskImager on admin mode , did that more than 5 times till now, cards ejected properly etc. etc.

Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
November 03, 2013 05:22PM
I'm wondering, because the image is online since July 2013 and downloaded more then 400 times. I assume there would be more feedback of not working images, if it is a problem in the file

my md5sum:

matze@anoia /tmp $ md5sum 2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img
bad7d5dc3203fae94926f4a01b063e87  2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img

Maybe a speciality with Win32diskImager or SDformarter?
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
November 03, 2013 06:37PM
Perhaps, don't know,

Manual installation went ok. It works on an ALFA NEH usb dongle , a bit slowly (chat) but ok.

I also want to implement it as a kind of service on a mesh network.

Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
November 03, 2013 08:47PM
Mesh usually won't work well with USB Dongles. You have to decide either use p2p or ap mode on USB-wifi dongles... I know that is really crap :/ - the driver-support is not very well.

I'm still curious about the image file. I have to recreate once in the next weeks for 1.0, so I will reinvestigate this issue soon
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
December 03, 2013 03:16PM

I'm having trouble booting the image too. I have tried the plain Raspbian raw image from here [www.raspberrypi.org] just to make sure my raspberry pi and SD card is working, and can dd the image onto my 4GB sdcard and get it to boot, but when i write the piratebox image to the sdcard and try to boot it, nothing happens.

I'm using debian wheezy on my PC to write the piratebox image to the sdcard.

Here's how I image the SD card
root@P1155-awdeb:/home/anthony/piratepi# md5sum 2013-02-06-wheezy-raspbian-PBx06F.zip 
fba9dea3aa404460184ee3d145a8f4fc  2013-02-06-wheezy-raspbian-PBx06F.zip
root@P1155-awdeb:/home/anthony/piratepi# unzip 2013-02-06-wheezy-raspbian-PBx06F.zip 
Archive:  2013-02-06-wheezy-raspbian-PBx06F.zip
  inflating: 2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img  
root@P1155-awdeb:/home/anthony/piratepi# ls
2013-02-06-wheezy-raspbian-PBx06F.zip  2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img
root@P1155-awdeb:/home/anthony/piratepi# md5sum 2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img 
bad7d5dc3203fae94926f4a01b063e87  2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img
root@P1155-awdeb:/home/anthony/piratepi# dd if=2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/sdb
3788800+0 records in
3788800+0 records out
1939865600 bytes (1.9 Gcool smiley copied, 2264.59 s, 857 kB/s
root@P1155-awdeb:/home/anthony/piratepi# sync
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
December 03, 2013 05:54PM
ok, with that output. I'm convinced!
I'm still wondering about that- but ok.

I'm going to build a new image over the christams holidays, because during the week I don't have the equipment with me.

regards Matthias
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
January 16, 2014 06:33PM
Anything new concerning the image??
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
January 16, 2014 09:00PM
No time up till yet, sorry.
The todo list is a way too long.
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
May 31, 2014 07:50PM
For what it's worth, I've run through the latest raspbian image "2014-01-07-wheezy-raspbian.img" with the commands from This Page save for the last section where you run through the raspi-config settings, and run the startup scripts at the bottom. I've added /home/pi/README.txt to include the last few steps for a reminder, as well as I've removed the wolfram-engine to stop the errors when installing other packages, clear up 420MB of disk space as well as it's just overhead that's not needed.

I'll also state that I have yet to try this image out as my cat recently decided that the blinking light on my wireless usb dongle was a play toy and either chewed something important or the slobber shorted the thing out, but for whatever reason it's now dead. (the adapter not the cat!)

I've made a torrent out of the image that you can download, and remember it's always kind to seed back what you take!
md5: 3fcba15932019cb4496d373323570623
torrent magnet link: magnetmoody smileyxt=urn:btih:d74wgkpvu3utzd66v3cblfm5mn5lls3l
torrent file: http://italktomachines.com/stuff/raspberry-piratebox-5-31-2014.img.torrent

I have been a fan of the piratebox since it's introduction (you can see my old posts on the old forums for some screenshots!) and wanted to contribute what little I can. Hope this helps!

Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
May 31, 2014 10:35PM
Did I got it correctly?
So you created a new image with PirateBox 1.0 on it?
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
June 01, 2014 12:32PM
too bad, I can't download the torrent file sad smiley
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
June 02, 2014 05:22AM
It should be available, I had some work transfers going so the bandwidth probably was very slow, but they're all done now. I did a dd of the latest raspbian to my sd card, didn't run through any of the configuration to keep everything vanilla, ran through the install instructions and did another dd of my sd card to a new image, and that's what I'm sharing, so I hope so!

Let me know if there are still problems getting the torrent or downloading from the torrent itself and I'll correct them!

Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
June 02, 2014 05:51AM
I'm still getting a timeout while connecting to the torrent-url:

$ wget [italktomachines.com]
--2014-06-02 07:49:18--  [italktomachines.com]
Auflösen des Hostnamen »italktomachines.com«...
Verbindungsaufbau zu italktomachines.com||:80... fehlgeschlagen: Die Wartezeit für die Verbindung ist abgelaufen.
Erneuter Versuch.

sad smiley
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
June 02, 2014 03:36PM
I didn't even think of it, but I did make a dns change, that probably hasn't propigated to you yet. Should be a IP

daniel@gluttony:~$ nslookup
> set q=a        
> italktomachines.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:	italktomachines.com

I should have waited a day before sharing :/


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2014 03:37PM by DanielS.
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
June 02, 2014 03:56PM
uff... 2,xGB
You should have used gzip to save bandwith. I used a different base for the new image, which has a lot smaller footprint .. :/
Re: RaspberryPI PirateBox Image
June 04, 2014 06:48PM

I downloaded the image and tried to install it, but I get the following error: