Help with index page
March 06, 2013 08:49PM
So I finally got the wireless adapter that has been verified and it does work. (tp-link tl-wn821N ) However when any of my devices connect to the RPi I get the chat page and all the stuff and can go to view files however the main sharing page/ java script seems to be broken on any wireless device I connect to it with... Anyone who could point me in the right direction would be of great help to me.

a picture of what I am getting.

Re: Help with index page
March 06, 2013 08:56PM
is everyone getting this page? Or only you at the raspberryPi itself?
how are they accessing the piratebox?

can you please login and send me the output of

ps ax | grep droopy
Re: Help with index page
March 06, 2013 09:03PM
It's from any wireless device and I'm only booting the pi and running the start command for the pi. Everyone connected to it from any wifi device (my phone tablet and laptop) gets the error. Sending output soon
Re: Help with index page
March 06, 2013 09:11PM
The out put of that line without the wifi stick in is this

4723 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto droopy

I'm going to reboot and run the line again with it in and running because when I started the desktop it went weird stick with me .. will post results again in a moment.
Re: Help with index page
March 06, 2013 09:19PM
Same output as before..
Re: Help with index page
March 06, 2013 11:53PM
Ended up doing a fresh install everything works fine now.
Re: Help with index page
March 07, 2013 05:33AM
strange. but in some cases you need to deploy a fix for droopy ... will be included soon
Re: Help with index page
April 22, 2013 09:07PM
One thing I should mention is that I am connecting to the piratebox from an internet connected
computer over wireless so I am not using [piratebox.lan] but just the
ip address. Otherwise my dns cannot find piratebox.lan and dont want to edit hosts.

I have tried a few things to correct an error when I connect to the AP the
message text is cut and pasted below this note.

The only thing that seems to work for me consistently is to hardcode
the ip address in this file /opt/piratebox/www/index.html
change piratebox.lan to whatever ip address for the ap on line 124

Also added the AP's ip address to both /etc/hosts and /opt/piratebox/conf/hosts
as I noticed I could not ping piratebox.lan by name from a shell.

Error - [piratebox.lan]

The page '[piratebox.lan]; couldn't be loaded.

Cannot resolve hostname (piratebox.lan)

Try again

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/22/2013 09:28PM by oystercatcher.
Re: Help with index page
April 24, 2013 06:50AM
Yes this is true.
The problem is, that the upload-stuff is running on a different port and you can refer correctly in the iframe nor use JS-calls

You can only overcome this problem, If you change your hosts-file at the "hybrid" computer (accessing internet and piratebox at the same time). This file is available in windows, too !

the point is, that you can add the PirateBox DNS service to your internet, connected machine, because it would simply overwrite all dns requests.
Until we have an integrated upload-part, It will as uncomfortable like that.

Sorry. But does that explain it, or am i wrong?
