Using a USB as HDD ?

Posted by WildOnion 
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Using a USB as HDD ?
July 08, 2013 03:26PM
Hi guys,

I've just fixed my Raspberry Pi(rateBox) and it works perfectly !
Now I am wondering how could I do to use a USB as HDD for having a larger amount of space to share my files..
The best would be to be able to use the SD card AND the USB to share files..

I am not a pro in scripting, but most of the time I understand the scripts.

Did anyone of you tried to use a USB thumb drive ?
If so, how did you managed to do it ?

Keep me in touch,
Re: Using a USB as HDD ?
July 26, 2013 01:27AM

I've been working with my RPi on doing this with an external USB HD. Have a look at the last post I made on my thread here.

Hope it helps.

Eat Buttons

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/26/2013 01:30AM by EatButtons.
Re: Using a USB as HDD ?
August 20, 2013 09:29PM
There's a complication to be aware of: USB hard drives (The spinny ones) suck power. The Pi cannot put enough power out to drive one directly. That means you either need to do some soldering work to modify the Pi, or else use a seperate powered USB hub. Additionally, if you're using battery power, you need to make sure your power supply circuit is capable of handling the load - which can be up to two amps for a few seconds during the drive spin-up.