Noobish question, RPi with External Router

Posted by TheMadDrizzle 
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Noobish question, RPi with External Router
February 03, 2014 05:07AM
I know that this is quite honestly a noobish question, but I'm trying to set up the rpi box hard-wired to an external router. I've got it working with the wifi dongle, but I want more range, and to configure WDS with two other routers. Right now, I just want to try to get it working with one router.

Router is: Linksys WRT54G V8 running DD-WRT firmware

I know that it's been stated that DD-WRT will not be supported but it seems to me that it shouldn't be that hard to achieve. I've tried turning off my routers DHCP and DNSmasq but with no joy. Should I disable the pi's dnsmasq and dhcp?

So my question I guess becomes more complicated:
1. Is it even possible to use an external router with the piratebox
2. How can I go about doing this?
3. Would this be easier if I were to just flash OpenWRT onto my router?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Re: Noobish question, RPi with External Router
February 03, 2014 08:07PM
using RPi together with a normal router shouldn't be a big deal at all and you already are on the correct way for that.

In the default configuration, PirateBox is using the wifi-network device only for providing wifi. To achieve that, I already tried to sum up a few points here: []

it is currently unfinished, but it shows the important part: the configuration within piratebox.conf.
Change the router's IP to and disable dhcp/dnsmasq services. Set the ethernet port of PirateBox to and change the network configuration, then you should be done.

sorry, only a short answer. If you have any further questions, don't be shy and ask