hi ok thx for the info; do you think with a relatively slow usb stick the difference between the HTML directory listing and the sqlite db would effect browsing speed? thxby peelie - PirateBox (General)
okay so solved this went into /opt/piratebox/conf/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf and added the following line: dir-listing.hide-dotfiles = "enable" and rebooted : )by peelie - PirateBox (General)
okay so solved this went into /opt/piratebox/conf/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf and added the following line: dir-listing.hide-dotfiles = "enable" and rebooted : )by peelie - PirateBox (General)
could not find any info on this but when trying LibraryBox and then PirateBox I notice a noticeable difference in speed at which directory listings appear and how long file take to load - even with say displaying a simple html file LibryBox takes much longer? Am I just imagining this? thanks for any infoby peelie - PirateBox (General)
Hi for some reason the dot files of a file I put on shared folder is appearing when the folder is listed? i use osx to put files on the usb card running latest version of piratebox thanksby peelie - PirateBox (General)
ok thanks will have a go when i can! appreciate your helpby peelie - PirateBox (General)
ah right that clashes with my router lan address, how can i change the piratebox address? thxby peelie - PirateBox (General)
hi yes initially i tried upgrade. how do i identify correct ip? thxby peelie - PirateBox (General)
hi thx for reply; when i first installed latest version of piratebox, and tried to get install process running by trying to connect to default address connection kept resetting. then read maybe a failsafe install might be worth doing, did that but still no luck!by peelie - PirateBox (General)
hi probably doing something silly but can't seem to connect to to get install process going! previously had an earlier version of piratebox working but had not used it for a while and wanted to try latest version. thanks for any help!by peelie - PirateBox (General)
hi @sniper_eyes how did you get bubbleupnp working with pb for android? thanksby peelie - PirateBox on Android
hi i presented this poster at a teaching conference back in Nov 2014, it may give you ideas : often i find when using PB in class with students is that some often not aware of idea of ad-hoc network initially and think they need to connect to internet to get to the PB urlby peelie - PirateBox (General)
right thanks. yes that feature would definitely be usefulby peelie - PirateBox on Android
hi okay what is the difference btw piratebox for android server and share files over wifi server? was not PB for android based on PAW server? thanksby peelie - PirateBox on Android
hmm my post seemed to have disappeared? will try again what's i'd like is to play audio/video files like you can in Share files over WiFi, the developer of the program said when i asked if he was using a script like joschi70 does with this mod Not using any script, just serving the media file to the browser. so really a question for joschi70, what does developer mean? thanby peelie - PirateBox on Android
a new sharing application - , it does not require root and it serves audio and video files very nicely, i.e. client player can easily rewind/fast forward. wonder if it would be possible to use such audio/video share features in piratebox? thanksby peelie - PirateBox on Android
ah right i see dang, still on lookout for way to use piratebox with as low barrier as possiblee.g. avoid rooting your phone or buying a router. thought this might be it :/by peelie - PirateBox on Android
hi okay sorry where is this located in the chrome zip and/or piratebox apk? i have a osx system. thanks!by peelie - PirateBox on Android
hi what would it take to adapt the piratbox for android so that it could work on chrome using chromeos-apk? i have packaged piratebox for android as chrome zip file using and progam launches but fails when switching on with the dnsmasq wrapper returned an error. the piratebox may not work properly getting this to work on a laptop using chrome would be great thanksby peelie - PirateBox on Android
yes that's one of the help pages i think. have you tried creating a page? or registering as a user? i can't get those to work , gives me the utf8_encode() message.by peelie - PirateBox on Android
ah i see, so how did you get dokuwiki working?by peelie - PirateBox on Android
hi is it possible (unless of course you already did that in PirateBox_PHP_Setup_v0.3) for you to build latest version of droidphp as a there was a bug with utf8_encode() dated july 14 - thanks!by peelie - PirateBox on Android
thanks getting further along, managed to install dokuwiki but when trying to register or edit a page i get this message: Call to undefined function utf8_decode() in /data/data/de.fun2code.android.piratebox/files/piratebox/html/dokuwiki/inc/utf8.php on line 139 a search on internet talks about missing php-xml package? thanksby peelie - PirateBox on Android
hi i installed php okay however am getting a "No input file specified" message when trying to install dokuwiki have you tried in installing dokuwiki? thanksby peelie - PirateBox on Android
so it could be just a case of swapping out the audio commands for video commands? - note i have no experience in android api!by peelie - PirateBox on Android
no not at the moment unfortunatelyby peelie - PirateBox on Android
great! to install say dokuwiki is it necessary to start piratebox with Autostart AP off as in the php install? thank youby peelie - PirateBox on Android
hi there the hamburger menu does not work on ipod touch 2nd gen, i.e. it moves when clicks but the actual menus can't be seen? thanksby peelie - PirateBox on Android
hi i only noticed this recently - the media music mod, thanks it works great question any plans to do similar one for video files? thanks!by peelie - PirateBox on Android