testing on Sydneys Cityrail network. wr703n hiding under an external battery, all shoved in a cheap lunch box.by gbbgu - PirateBox (General)
wr703n hiding under an external battery... all shoved in a cheap lunchbox for my first portable test on Sydneys rail network.by gbbgu - PirateBox (General)
7400 mAh battery + wr703n = 1 day, 7 hours, 45 mins uptime Now to build a nice box to house it in.by gbbgu - PirateBox (General)
To hide the README.txt file, dir-listing.hide-readme ="enable" should be dir-listing.hide-readme-file ="enable"by gbbgu - PirateBox (General)
Yesterday I flashed a wr703n (I guess it's a v1.7?) with Attitude Adjustment (12.09 final) which was released on the 25th April 2013. I just followed Davids steps from the main mr3020/wr703n page, but used the firmware from openwrt. Here's the details (Updating, I've now flashed two wr703n): 1st one I did: 3.14.4 Build 121204 Rel.41020n WR703N v1 00000000 2nd one,by gbbgu - PirateBox OpenWrt
Sandisk Cruzer Fit is good, very small. Not sure on the speed, but over wireless it hardly matters.by gbbgu - PirateBox (General)
Western Sydney; building one at the moment from a wr703n and a battery pack for travel on the trains.by gbbgu - PirateBox (General)