My no_openwrt branch was also merged into development branch. I deleted ~108 lines of code and deleted the majority of the dd-wrt code in the scripts, we kept the piratebox_router init due to the fact that some systems that don't have udev can use it (it is now called piratebox_alt).by TerrorByte - PirateBox (Development)
As an interesting note, I wrote packages for nginx for both dd-wrt and the scripts, when testing I found that nginx runs best on non-embedded systems (I suspect it has to do with the fact that it is designed not to multi-thread) and lighttpd seemed to run substantially faster on dd-wrt, but nginx runs better on the liveCD / scripts. It's something I have kept in mind. Good TerrorByte - PirateBox News and Events
From what it looks like it just tacks on enx followed by the mac address which means all we need to do is to detect the mac and it should be simple to adapt... This is a huge change, I haven't seen it on anything but Gentoo, does anyone know if Arch is using it?by TerrorByte - PirateBox (Development)
Sounds like you are trying to install the torrent file. That file is to download the ISO using a torrent client (like uTorrent or Transmission) and that should be more than 1 TerrorByte - PirateBox LiveUSB
With a macbook I believe you should have to hold command at boot up... Although I am honestly not TerrorByte - PirateBox LiveUSB
A few days delayed, but I got a Nexus 7 and instantly installed the Ubuntu Touch OS the day it was released. After tinkering I found that all the packages we use are available in the arm repo's which meant that I could easily just run our scripts, which ran perfectly. There were 2 major bugs when it was run, hostapd doesn't work at all (this may be because the way that Ubuntu runs in aby TerrorByte - PirateBox (Development)
Added systemd support, so that we are fully supported when distributions start to get rid of init.d system. Added install script, for new packages just run sudo ./install default (or you could substitute default with board in order to install a message board. Fixed droopy crash when run through init.d, this was caused by Python environmental variables not being used normally in the init.d eby TerrorByte - PirateBox (Development)
Okay, well start out with the lack of more info documents: That is a known issue and something that will be fixed with the next release (hopefully soon). For the next question, PirateBoxLive IS Ubuntu so it will have gparted and all the other fun tools for partitioning. But, if I were you, I would wait about a month until I get the package built for piratebox (which will allow you to install Piraby TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
Really, I believe that for the most common images (MR30 and the WR) could make it very easy for new users to install. We could also still keep the old install info for the not as common routers. I just know that we often get some new users who are even concerned about using the command line and this could streamline the process for TerrorByte - PirateBox (Development)
After messing with chroot so much lately I was wondering if we could take the default OpenWRT images we use and put them into a chroot jail and do everything we normally do and then re package the jail as the bin, then new users would only have to load the .bin into the update firmware field. I understand that the limitation is the USB drive, but is there any way that the firmware upgrade could hby TerrorByte - PirateBox (Development)
Which wireless card are you using Drew?by TerrorByte - PirateBox LiveUSB
I built the ISOs in VirtualBox and tested them with an external card, so VMware should TerrorByte - PirateBox LiveUSB
I actually noticed something similar, I work IT with Win7 and we have a DMZ network that acts very similarly to PirateBox and I have come across this before, I think it has something to do with Win7 thinking that the page is a login page for something like a hotel. Is your windows 7 machine using the network manager provided by Windows or is it using one from Dell, HP, or who ever manufactures yoby TerrorByte - PirateBox (Development)
Add Alpha AWUS036NH working out of the box. In fact almost anything from alpha should work. I have 2 other usb adapters that I can try a little bit TerrorByte - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
@anon123, what card are you using for your wireless? (in linux you can check by running lspci if it is internal or lsusb if it is a USB adapter.)by TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
As a side note, I just have to finish up the scripts (as they are being re-written so they can be packaged into major distributions) and I can easily take the Raspbian image and re-roll it with our own programs / settings which will allow us to have a simple .img file you can put on your flash disk just like you do for the normal images!by TerrorByte - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Also, I'm still perfecting the scripts and packages before I put them out in the wild, and as soon as that happens I should be able to make the Raspberry Pi image in less than an hour. So hopefully "soon" we should have it even TerrorByte - PirateBox LiveUSB
Nargren, also look at his ESSID, it is very TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
No problem, tell me if you need anything else. Pro tip: typing !! means previous TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
I got it to work fine with PirateBoxLive and the Raspberry Pi image, you can count on at least having an option to have Etherpad on these versions. As a note, the Raspberry Pi image doesn't have a lot of memory so it was definantly something I TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
I'm not super familiar with how OpenWRT handles pretty much anything, but in standard linux distributions (which OpenWRT is based off of) you do not want anyone to edit /etc/passwd that doesn't have permissions. Think about it from a security stand point, if anyone who has access to your system can edit /etc/passwd file, then anyone could change passwords, delete passwords, and generallby TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
That makes sense actually, I didn't realize they had a long dhcp lease TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
You could in javascript. I'm a huge fan of muds, and also have been programming MUDpy (its skeleton is on my github) that works off of a ssh jail. Have a look around google, I bet you could find something! If you get something figured out, feel free to post what you did, I for one would be TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
Bandwidth is an issue, but only if everyone is downloading at once. I am honestly more worried about how the dhcp server will handle itself, how many people are we talking?by TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
Me too, I don't think it even adds any real TerrorByte - PirateBox (Development)
It should work on Debian or any distro that uses apt. I'm working on a better port at the moment that will be distro TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
No sir, thank you! Excellent job, spread the word!by TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
I recently posted that to twitter as well TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
The laptop works specifically with Ubuntu, so your eee will work greatby TerrorByte - PirateBox (General)
I see this come up every once in a while, but how viable is it for us to create a PirateBox with support for torrent trackers? And realistically is it even useful? Thoughts?by TerrorByte - PirateBox (Development)