I'm having an issue where when a user opens a browser which most likely connects to an https site like google which many people have set as their homepage doesn't redirect to piratebox.lan. Not just google but any https website. Most modern browsers always make the first attempt to connect using https which is not redirected. Is there a way to redirect all browser traffic to piratebox.lby IDE286 - PirateBox (General)
### If you want to add ftp function to existing piratebox. Make sure you backup your sd card before continuing. ### My advise is to avoid Sandisk cards at all cost because they are problematic. Basically you get what you pay for. ### Download and dd the original piratebox image to sd card on computer (Skip this step if you already have piratebox running) # Beep is optional but nice to have tby IDE286 - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Everything works up until the first use of wget. I receive the following error: wget wget: /usr/lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by wget) wget: /usr/lib/libgnutls.so.30: version `GNUTLS_3_6_3' not found (required by wget) What do I need to do to correct this error. I am a newbie at Arch Linux but very familiar with Debian base Linux Thank you in advancby IDE286 - Pi(rate)Box - unofficial images