Hi Neiyera, something like this should work (haven't tried): Language: Java# Allowed MAC addresses allowedMacs = "58:94:6b:7c:2x:16 58:94:6b:7c:2x:15"; # Read lines from /proc/net/arp remoteIp = request.socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("/proc/net/arp")by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi, PirateBox for Android does not include a DLNA server. What you can do is to use a separate app to add this functionality. Haven't tried it myself but something linke Yaacc might work.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi, the user should only need to open the browser with a HTTP URL (HTTPS does not work). If this is not working properly there might be a problem with dnsmasq which answers all DNS request with the IP of the device.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi, did you try the workarounds mentioned in the following issue? https://github.com/joschi70/AndroidPirateBox/issues/5 Bye Jochenby joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi Mimzy, sorry for the late reply. The main goal of a PirateBox is to share files, which of course might have a security impact when viruses or other malicious stuff is uploaded. It might also be advisable not to run PirateBox on a device you use daily but on an older device without sensitive data. By default the PirateBox accepts all file extensions. There is currently no settingsby joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi, if you would like to add a new translation, have a look at the following post: Web Interface Translations Hope it is all explained in there. Bye Jochenby joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
You can copy the html/app folder of the PAW installation to the html directory of your PirateBox installation. If the content of your PirateBox installation is located on the SD card, this looks like this: cp /sdcard/paw/html/app /sdcard/priatebox/html/. What is needed in addition is the I18N file of the PAW installation: cp /sdcard/paw/etc/init/1/S_i18n.bsh /sdcard/piratebox/etc/init/1/by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Thanks! You are correct, it should read <handlers />. Has been corrected ... When the PirateBox starts up, it always creates an open hotspot. There is currently no way to change that.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi Will, actually I'm not sure what components are needed apart from "dnsmasq". It's strange that you can see the hotspots SSID but it's not possible to connect to it. There are some WiFi Tethering apps available on Google Play. Last time I tested those they only operated in adhoc and not infrastructure mode which made it impossible for mobile devices to connect.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi Will, the hotspot IP address is usually as defined inside the Android sources. If the manufacturer hasn't changed that, this should be ok. If a different IP address is assigned to the hotspot, this could be changed inside the settings. Anyway, it's strange that DHCP requests are not answered. I just checked with Win8 and that did work. What Android version is youby joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi, the PirateBox is not designed to have a password, but it's possible. You can do this like this ... #1 Choose "Conent to SD" to copy all the PirateBox files to the external storage directory. Normally this should be /sdcard/piratebox. #2 Edit the /sdcard/piratebox/conf/handler.xml. Add the authentication handler definition right below the <handlers /> tag:by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
GD doesn't seem to be included. Tried to compile that once, but unfortunately it didn't work.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi, SQLite databases do work with PHP on Android. Used them a couple of times with phpLiteAdmin.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi, they both include a web server to share files. In the case of PirateBox this is PAW. Serving files is not a problem with PirateBox. What is currently missing is to select what media to share from the Android device without having to put everything inside the PirateBox uploads directory.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Try to install SuperSU, that might fix it.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi, seems like the su command is not found on your device.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi, had a quick look at the app. Seems like it serves the selected files via some kind of web server. The developer might just store the selected files inside preferences (or somewhere else) and serve them via the server. Similar thing could be done with PirateBox ... an app or an admin interface to specify the files and a dynamic page to serve them via the web server. This is doable but suby joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Still a gold ideaby joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi, The APK does not include the dnsmasq command, it has to be provided by the system. Chrome OS has to support Android WiFi tethering (which uses the dansmasq command). I doubt that this will work ...by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi, seems like the dnsmasq backup was not created correctly. You can check that by issuing the following command: ls -l /system/bin/dnsmasq* The following file should be listed: dnsmasq.pb.backup If the file is not there you can try to create it manuallly: cd /system/bin cp -p dnsmasq dnsmasq.pb.backupby joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Hi, can't test that. If standard WiFi tethering is working, there is a good chance that PiratBox will work too. You'll have to try ...by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Got it working somehow, but some warnings may appear. Actually this was quite straight forward. 1. Installed PHP (both versions do work) 2. Downloaded DokuWiki and extracted the dokuwiki folder to piratebox/html 3. Opened DokuWiki from a browser On fist call of pages some warnings did appear although warnings were switched off in php.ini file. The result looks like this:by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
No sorry, I don't have the tool-chain to build ARM binaries. I tried that a while back but this was a messby joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
I get this too when running PubBB, which worked with PHP 5.3.6 which I had installed before. DokuWiki works fine for me with PHP 5.5.9.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Worked fine for me. There seem to be some problems with the PHP binary on some devices. I've uploaded a new version that includes the DroidPHP PHP binary, maybe that works better for you. If you are getting warnings you can switch them off by editing the piratbox/conf/php.ini file: ;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED error_reporting = E_ERRORby joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Yes I think so, but I'm not totally sure. If I find some time, I'll have a look.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
It is not necessary to switch off the Autostart AP option. If you do, you don't have to connect to the PirateBox AP. You can stay in your normal WiFi, I find that more convenient.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
The music player was just meant as a demo. Currently I've no plans to do this for videos, but should work in a similar way as the music player.by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
Unfortunately I can't test with an iPod. The index page is mainly copied from the original OpenWrt PirateBox. So it might be that the OpenWrt version also has this problem. Do you have the possibility to test against an OpenWrt PirateBox?by joschi70 - PirateBox on Android
You can get PHP running on PirateBox. Note: The PHP binary will only work on ARM processors. Here are the installation instructions: 1. Download the ZIP file: 2. Extract the pb_php_setup folder to your PirateBox html installation directory (this might be /data/data/de.fun2code.android.piratebox/files/piratebox/html or /sdcard/pireatebox/html) 3. Start PirateBox with option Autostart APby joschi70 - PirateBox on Android