Same problem here. Followed instructions, but no icecast in /optby cogdog - Mods and Themes
Thanks Matthias. The first try changed nothing. Then I re-downloaded the install package and replaced the directory on the USB drive. Reset the auto_package file name. The reboot worked, I could tell because it took longer and the lights blinked as it installed. I have a new working PirateBox and can start by customizations. Thanks again. Where is your tip jar? Your long term work on this pby cogdog - PirateBox OpenWrt
Thanks for rescuing me again, Matthias. My last install 2 years ago was flawless. Perhaps I did not give the setup process not long enough. The connection to the Wrt Web Admin page did drop and I waited until all lights were solid. Here is output as requested: root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/pbx_custom_image PBX_auto_Image_2.3.2 root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/openwrt_release DISTRIB_ID="Opeby cogdog - PirateBox OpenWrt
It's been a while since I used by box, but hoping to use it for some educator demos soon. Got a new MR3020, flashed firmware, telnetted in. But am not seeing the /opt directory so I've got no piratebox. My directory: root@OpenWrt:/# ls -al drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 . drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 roby cogdog - PirateBox OpenWrt
Thanks for the lead, I was able to get MonkeyWiki up and running without too much effort. I'm looking for something simple, and trying to keep the CPU overhead low, and so far, might not need PHP. Most important thing was setting write permissions on directory with wiki text (I put mine in /opt/piratebox/monkeywiki/text). I could not get the rewrite modes to work, but not a big deal poiby cogdog - PirateBox (General)
I have no access to a Windows machine, and the IMG mounting completely baffles me, but have managed to pretty easily modify my web content directly. Maybe I am missing something, but I just used my USB drive on the MR-3020 to shuttle the files. I first made a web directpry in my USB drive (by SSHing to the PBOX) mkdir /opt/piratebox/www/Shared/web and copied in there the files I knew Iby cogdog - Mods and Themes
I managed to change the hostname of my PB from piratebox.lan to storybox.lan The instructions on seem to be truncated (there is a FIX ME) label there. These are my steps (1) edit /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf and change the value for HOST="piratebox.lan" (2) The comment there suggests changes need to be made to /opt/piratebox/bin/droopy and /opt/piratebox/conf/hostsby cogdog - Mods and Themes
Looks like an fashioned Brownie Camera.... until you open it up. The MR-3020 fits in easily (with the film carrier removed). My USB battery pack is a bit long with the cable plugged in, have a new smaller square one on order. Maybe I can rig up some blinking lights. Open it up!by cogdog - PirateBox (General)
Thanks, i think I have this working; not an accurate date. but not 1970. I may not fully understand the script, but I have better settings now. I first set the date to my local date/time date -s "2014-08-21 15:15:02" I then ran the function to save the time /opt/piratebox/bin/ /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf save I shut down the piratebox, waited a bit,by cogdog - PirateBox News and Events
I traveled a lot around the US in 2011 with a first version PirateBox in my backpack. In the TSA security lines, it scanned through without problem at some airports, at others they pulled it out to look at it. Once, in Buffalo, I was trying to explain what it is to a TSA agent (I usually described it as a router used for a public art project) I mentioned it was "based on a technology caby cogdog - PirateBox (General)
New 3020 Pbox running ok, whew! I noticed on my MacBookPro (10.9.4) The only way the PBox SSID appeared in my wireless networks was to jiggle the wireless on and off, almost like it was not announcing. In System Prefs -> Network -> Wifi tab I noticed it was way at the bottom of a long list of remembered networks (accumulated over a few years of travel, just deleted most of them fromby cogdog - PirateBox OpenWrt
Sorry about that, something was squirrely with my newer MacBookPro- the network appeared on my mobile and my older laptop but would never show up nor allow me to connect directly. Turning the wireless on and off seemed to make it recognize the Piratebox. I'm in it, cogdog - PirateBox OpenWrt
Trying to do the new installer in a brand new TL-MR3020 router. The instructions about giving it "15-20" minutes confused me, once I saw that the firmware update was done, I thought the install was done, and guess I yanked it before it completed. Was able to change admin password, but when turning it on in wireless mode, I never saw the "PirateBox Share Freely network" (weby cogdog - PirateBox OpenWrt
Thanks, this might take me a while. I built this box for a client and sent it on back to him. He might have to pick up the debugging!by cogdog - PirateBox (General)
No error is occurring but the chat is not being echoed back to the screen. This happens even when I go directly toby cogdog - PirateBox (General)
Both of these logs are empty. When clicking the Submit chat button, the screen briefly says "Reading" and then blanks. I made some mods to the main index.html and mightd need to test the originalby cogdog - PirateBox (General)
TP Router 3020 Firmware version (?) from /etc/banner Bleeding Edge, r33003 output from problem dtermination: root@piratebox:~# mount rootfs on / type rootfs (rw) /dev/root on /rom type squashfs (ro,relatime) proc on /proc type proc (rw,noatime) sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noatime) tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,size=14724k) tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,noatime,sizby cogdog - PirateBox (General)
On my 3020 box the chat loads properly with the default message, but after any other chat message is entered, the screen says (something like) "Processing..." then it goes blank, and remains blank from there on. Any ideas what I can check?by cogdog - PirateBox (General)
I'm sorry to let this go, yes these both seemed to work. I am running the log now. My script did not work because it seemed to not pick up the variable for "$PIRATEBOX_FOLDER" - I had moved the script to /opt/piratebox/bin but had left the log file at root level, and also had incorrect paths in my cron- byt I have it all sorted out and it works as does the date script. thanksby cogdog - PirateBox (General)
Absolutely would like to give it a try, cogdog - PirateBox (General)
Inherently the PirateBox is anonymous, but I have a storytelling project where it would be extremely useful to have some measure of at least access accounts, if not counts of file access too- no ips need tracking just counts (Matthias this is in reference to your response today on twitter). If also I can add to the list: * I do a lot of moving files on and off the box; on my older pBox I coby cogdog - PirateBox (General)
I'm curious if for the upgrade it will leave in tact the content from my 0.3 Pbox? I do have it backed up but was curious how it interacted with what looks like a new directory structure,by cogdog - PirateBox (General)
Just a big note of thanks, did my first solo install on a MR3020 and it was dead simple (we;; except when I mistyped the default IP address) - the 3020 was a tad easier than the cogdog - PirateBox OpenWrt
Thanks, it looks like we do not need it now, my developer has figured out how to move the files we need by ssh or scp. My issue now is giving write access to the new user I created on the Pbox to a subdirectory within /mnt/share/pirateboxby cogdog - PirateBox (General)
I'm not much of a server-side dude. I have someone working with me on prototype for a mobile app that will play audio from my piratebox and allow recording an audio response back to the box. I'm told the transfer would be easier if the app could use ftp - from what I've been able to deduce, I need to install something like pure-ftpd (?) Can someone give me a dummys guide for doby cogdog - PirateBox (General)
That fix to turn off the auto login on iOS helps with the issue of connecting via Safari. it makes it less cumbersome than getting pooched in the network connection. My video issue remains. It is not a player/format issue; to recap- * video.mp4 loads fine on my iPhone when accessed from my public web server * he same video.mp4 does not load when accessed from cogdog - PirateBox (General)
I still have a problem where iOs devices accessing my pirate box cannot load mp4 video- I get a player button with a slash through it or via the JW Player a message that the "the video cannot be loaded because the server or network failed" With the same devices I can view the file perfectly when I load it on my web server. Are there mime type settings not at work here?by cogdog - PirateBox (General)
It likely does not matter to the client devices, but the pbox server scripts that generate the front page put the top bits (log and instructions) into the <HEAD>...</HEAD> portion of the output- I can see I think in the droopy script how to move this, but its not the cleanest output to have web content outside the cogdog - PirateBox (General)
Thanks Matthias- It must have been something funky on my friends iDevices or maybe they had some proxies set- I just tried my iPad and my PirateBox is working cogdog - PirateBox (General)
My box works perfect via Mac OS laptop and Android phone. but my friend's iPhone and iPad kept hanging on connect- they seemed not to load the chat server, and the links form the top sections would spin and never connect. Is there some reset of the chat sever? My next test is to take it out of the droppy start up cogdog - PirateBox (General)