What you did was probably the best solution as PB is meant to be anonymous. With that being the case, it would be difficult to message someone without an ID of some sort.by damavox - Mods and Themes
I would go with raspberry pi zero. And a external HDD. for cost effectiveness, plus more power. use an external wifi card that you can upgrade the antenna on for range. What is it exactly do you need help with?by damavox - Mods and Themes
Well I didn't read all that but I can tell you piratebox has a chat, a python forum can be installed, password protected folders can be set. A image board is installed by default, the welcome page is included by default now, can be edited easily to say whatever you want with very basic knowledge. I believe there is already a wiki mod that can be done. Matthias and myself have been discussiby damavox - Mods and Themes
Everything seems to be working great. I believe i speak on behalf of all of the community when i say Thank You for your hard work and dedication Matthias!by damavox - PirateBox News and Events
Matthias you asked "What do you want to do with meshing zeros?" To be honest Idk exactly. Maybe through them roof tops with some solar power around the city to cover a wider area? haha, jk, cool idea but im afraid of the abuse that might happen with them here is the U.S.; One of the ways I sell people on the piratebox is by first showing them the simplistic genius of it, then by engaby damavox - PirateBox News and Events
I upgraded to 1.1.0 but after demonstrating the PB to a friend on my Mr3020, when i unplugged it and plugged it back i ran into a DNS server failure. Sorry i didn't trouble shoot the issue. I put the PB in fail safe mode and ran a firstboot, then reinstalled 1.1.0 on OCT 2nd. then I attempted the 1.1.1 quick update today. I had cleared my browser's cache 4 hours prior to attemting theby damavox - PirateBox News and Events
I have been considering creating pdf + zips files of the PB creation and documentation so that people will be able to upload them to their piratebox for offline sharing and spreading. Before committing and putting in the work to put all this together; I wanted to ask the community how the feel about this idea and if its something you guys would be interested in?by damavox - PirateBox (General)
Not sure if anyone else has experienced this or not but using the "quick update" instructions resulted in a redirect loop when trying to access the landing page.by damavox - PirateBox News and Events
Would a self signed certificate fix the https issue by chance?by damavox - PirateBox News and Events
Thanks Matthias, I realized where I went wrong after investigating how the other pages work. Then your explanation solidified it for me . Alot of it had to do with setting the correct permissions as well, for whatever reason when i tried to gain permissions with my original image it must have been corrupt or something, after re-burning the image gaining permissions were gained / set with eaby damavox - PirateBox (General)
Ok I seem to finally be getting somewhere with this. PirateBox is seems to handle PHP different than libarybox by default. PirateBox's UI is also setup alot differently than Library box as well. soooooo.... This might take a while I have not figured out why the redirect happens yet but I seem to be able to surpass it by editing the lighttpd.conf file and adding this line at the bottomby damavox - Mods and Themes
So i am really at my witts end with this one and so I think its time i ask for assistance, I am attempting to do this media center mod to my PB install on my pi zero. Here is what i have done: -Downloaded, extracted, and moved the mediacenter folder to /www/. -edited /www/index.html (main page) to reflect the new directory. IE: link to it. by adding this line of code to /www/index.html Lby damavox - PirateBox (General)
I seem to be having trouble gaining permissions in order to transfer and edit files. I am not familiar with Arch, but the usual chmod and chown isn't working. I.E. I run into operation not permitted when I attempt to create symlinks via terminal using the ls -s command and could not get files to transfer into the www folder. Thanks ahead. If it helps what i am trying to accomplishby damavox - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Well, I uploaded but for some reason, I keep getting a redirect back to home page when I click on my link. This is a new "event" for me, as the same thing happened when I attempt to upload the calibre' ebook server. So I must ask, has this happened to anyone else? and what did you do to solve it? I have mentioned this a couple of times in the forums but have not figured out orby damavox - Mods and Themes
Ah, well lucky for me the raspberry pi zero version has these features, file on USB is on PB and PHP can be added (and will become default in the next release) So I guess from here i will start adding the features and adjusting the design for the PB webpage.by damavox - Mods and Themes
I love the idea behind the C.H.I.P, I have not researched a lot into it but my understanding is, it is a $9 sbc, with 1 usb port and built-in bluetooth, 1ghz cpu and 512mb ram. The only troubling factor that sticks out in my mind without me doing more research into it, is the manufacturer's stability (it is still a really new start-up), and their ability to meet demand. Compared to theby damavox - PirateBox (General)
I love this! Will it work on PB as well or does it need to be ported?by damavox - Mods and Themes
With recent bans on OpenWRT being placed on routers in the US, I know other countries will follow suit and some already have. Since there is very little we can do about it in order to prepare for the future I vote we switch the main device from MR3020 & MR3040 to the raspberry pi. It's cheaper or the same price and has a lot more resources to build with. Although I love the idea beby damavox - PirateBox (General)
Don't forget good ol' china. A lot of good routers and can be found on Aliexpress.com for cheap. If the situation gets so serious where routers are being screened through customs and you live in the US. Make sure your China Vendor chips through EMS Express and can have your package come through the New York port. Also remember that ordering at peak times are important, like duringby damavox - PirateBox (General)
> -set up a repo on the onion > -speed up development by crowdfunding features > -crowdfund hardware (2usb, ext antenna, internal > battery, weather proof, 2 ethernet, protection > against brownouts etc (see )) > -mesh using batman adv /ipv6 to share most > downloaded files with nodes in range > -encryption on data > -encryption of mesh > -user based passwdby damavox - PirateBox (General)
You can always add an external antenna (which you probably already know) here is a pretty good tutorial via pictures, Also you can adjust the rx / tx power levels however this may hurt your device.by damavox - PirateBox (General)
You know, the image for the raspberry pi is just that a specified OS for running piratebox, however it is based on Arch. PirateBox is considered more of a package or service on top of a OS. (in my book anyway), so in theory you can run piratebox on any Linux Based OS that meet the PB's dependencies and requirements.by damavox - PirateBox (General)
lol i'll deal for now, i can only write basic javascript as of now, havn't got that far in my Team TreeHouse subscription yet.by damavox - PirateBox (General)
In my test to see if i could get the COPS server running. I keep getting a redirect back to the homepage, i also attempted to install elgg and humhub social networks and encountered the same results, probably something easy for you pros but i am novice to amateur at best. I think elgg will be difficult because it requires .htaccess and the one provided is made for apache. The COPS server is a defby damavox - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
I just installed piratebox on my pi. First let me say that i love the performance of the pi in combo with the piratebox. I noticed the chat box always places new user input from bottom to top instead of top to bottom like normal chat services. How can i go about correcting this?by damavox - PirateBox (General)
How the heck did you get a pi zero?by damavox - PirateBox (General)
how about this one it seems more do-able than my other ideas. The Calibre' book server is something i always wanted but could never get it working on my openwrt versions. It'd be cool if it came standard or something similar like a content server with thumbnails and description.by damavox - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Yes it is, you see i have a few PBs in public places, like coffee shops. I sell them to owners with a custom landing page for that particular business. I did run into someone distributing a trojan via a .doc file. Obviously using the macro exploit. localized AV seems more of a solution then limiting the usability of the PB by limiting the file types.by damavox - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Not sure if this is possible but this might be cool to implement some extra security. A php script thats A virus checking class that is easy to integrate into other scripts. Uses a simple plugin system to add support for different virus checking systems. Ships with support for virus scanners Clam AV, F-Prot, and Vexira as well as external hash lookup sites such as VirusTotal.com and Comodby damavox - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
I think this would be excellent for an easy to obtain, high traffic, tons of power, PB.by damavox - PirateBox (Development)