This is great, I will try to seed as much as possible. my upload is horrid, unfortunately... I have a question, though. When reflashing on the SD card should I format the sd card before I use etcher to flash another piratebox image? When I flashed 1.1.3 for RPi3 on the same SD card a second time and started the install process in ssh, it said some red text stating something about ext4 and ext3by SierraGuard - PirateBox News and Events
Hi, I did what you suggested and re-flashed my Piratebox image. I think it was a good idea to start fresh as I edited a lot of files I should have probably never touched in the first place. This time I have done almost no modifications and setup my box the way I had it before all customized how I like it. It took a lot less time and there were a lot less headaches. thanks for the SierraGuard - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
It was a few days ago I last used my piratebox and the redirect was working. I just had to type in my domain blackbird.lan or or some random address in firefox. Now I boot it up to upload some pages to it via ftp in filezilla and the redirect no longer works. It's not just that, either.. for some reason my lighttpd.conf in /opt/piratebox/ is just blank at 0KB. So I try uploadiby SierraGuard - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
deleted contentby SierraGuard - PirateBox (General)
Hey, thanks for posting this ratzillas. I got this working on ubuntu 'trusty' (tilemill hasn't been pulled for xenial xerus) in Oracle VM. I am a complete absolute day one beginner in linux and just started my piratebox build and this mod is something I definitely want for my box. I followed the same tutorial ratzillas followed except found the ubuntu version. Had a lot of roadblocby SierraGuard - Mods and Themes