When in french locale not everything is in French. The files page is still in English. And « Chat » should be « Salon de discussion » or « Bavardoir » or even just « Salon ».by smi - PirateBox (General)
I installed one piratebox and it looks like a lan. Are people working on a mesh version? If so, how far is it along?by smi - PirateBox (General)
So while http://192.168.x.x/content is available, Home links on both the content page as well as the imageboard leads to http://pirate.lan/content. Also, http://192.168.x.x/Shared/ is in English, while http://192.168.x.x/content is in I assume browser locale language.by smi - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
I'm terribly sorry. I thought "Enable Fake-Timeservice" meant I needed to set it to a default fake datetime. It was also unclear in the installation manual what to do after it has all been setup. That I had to visit http://192.168.x.x/content/ instead of [192.168.x.x] I didn't know either.by smi - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Setup: - Rapberry Pi 3B - piratebox_rpi2_1.1.4-11-05-2018.img I have just installed piratebox, but I'm not sure what to do next. I've tried accessing it in the webbrowser and after a brief blank blank with only the word "redirect", the url is redirected to pirate.lan/content, but the page recieves an error: "Site is innaccessible" "err_connection_refuseby smi - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box