I have a Pi 2B with the standard OS, which, now is somewhat surplus to requirements. I decided to build a Piratebox with the thing, which went without problems for the beginning of the install, but now I've hit the snag that wifi is not enabled. The system sees the wifi dongle, since the monitor records the events on fitting or removing the dongle. (I've a keybpard, mouse and a Lilliputby greybeard - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
I had a few issues with the original install, and went back and began again. So you're right. The original install must have created the other partitions. Thanks for the re-assurance. Rod (greybeard)by greybeard - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Mathias, sorry for the delay in replying. I did complete the Post Installation setup, and there don't appear to be any problems. As you say, the problem might have bee an existing item. This machine does not have wifi ability, so I've had to use another, which seems to be having problems with logging into the forum. However, I've finally copied over the information you asked for Iby greybeard - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
I'm having a few problems setting up a Raspberry Pi3 as a Piratebox, folowing the instructions in ";. The main installation, when the Pi was connected via ethernet went without problems, and on the conclusion, when the ethernet connection was removed and the Pi re-booted, the Piratebox was evident on my mobile phone Wifi analyser, coming through loud and clear.The Andoid phone would alby greybeard - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Going back to the very early days of Piratebox, I decided that I would have to build one of these. And did so. When it came to building the system, that went fairly well. Up to the point of configuring the Web server. I'd plenty of experience in buiding systems in Unix, but never in the field of the user interface. In the end, although the thing was working as it should, up to that point, Iby greybeard - PirateBox OpenWrt
Thanks for the tips. I was giving the thing one last chance before the hammer came down, and it started working again! No particular reason. I hadn't done anything that I hadn't done dozens of times before. I took no time in re-installing the firmware, and it's now behaving perfectly. Onward and upward.by greybeard - PirateBox (General)
Hi, having done the unthinkable, has anyone any advice, other than go buy another one, about how one goes about unbricking the thing? The only progress I've managed, so far, is to suss out how to open the WL330's case without trashing it. I've not, so far, found any indication that such a procedure exists.by greybeard - PirateBox (General)
(Sigh). I suppose that it's part of Sodd's Law that any step forward is accompanied by two steps back. I'm still at the stage of SSH'ing into the Dockstar. I setup a mount in /etc/fstab to mount the large partition on the Freeagent go, which is formatted as ntfs, with the line /dev/sda6 /mnt/share ntfs rw,auto 0 0. the command mount -a mounted this fine, and it was mountedby greybeard - PirateBox (General)
Thanks. I did it and it works. So I now have a 'box with a huge potential! Now on to the next stage.by greybeard - PirateBox (General)
A freeagent Go 500GB hdd drive came with my Dockstar. Can I use this rather than a USB stick? Otherwise it will be sculling around with all the other spare HDD's, and it does seem to have oodles of space. Greybeardby greybeard - PirateBox (General)