@zsunuser What version of batman-adv are you using? As I am getting compile errors for the kernel module. Language: HTMLtypes.h:386:26: error: expected ';)'; before numeric constant DECLARE_EWMA(throughput, 1024, 8) Ive tried 2016.1, 2016.2, 2014.1, 2014.2. Same errror for all of them. The batman-adv kernel module from the repository wont load (causing the zsun not to load past mount_root: lby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
There are scripts in place that will automagically detect a SUPPORTED wifi device, install its driver and configuration and start broadcasting the SSID.by TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
PING ( looks like your problem. Its like is acting as a hostmane redirected to IP: which is the IP for Quantico's United States Marine Corps operations center..... My guess Is: 1) you have That PirateBox router connected to their network and another device, likley their WAN gateway has the same address. 2)DHCP/DNS is not working on the Piraby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
No problem! So what are we going to do tomorrow night? The same thing we do every night Pinkey, try to take over the world!by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
-_-by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
https://piratebox.cc/openwrt:troubleshootingby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
Step 4. Please read next time. Thanks!by TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Hey sorry about the down time. I had to take the server offline due to a lightning storm moving in. Mirrored hereby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
I found a python tool that allowed me to upload a sysupgrade.bin over serial that I forked here. You will need a 3.3v FTDI to USB cable. I used a variant of this one. I performed the upload from my Lubuntu VM, so it works inside a virtual machine on a Windows PC as well! Below is the pinout for the Zsun. This is how I connected everything up. FTDI---ZSUN TX<--->RX RX&by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox OpenWrt
regisburin Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi there. > (french user, sry in advance for my bad english) > > I try to add that kind of wiki on a piratebox > project (running on a debian based old laptop, for > the tests, and might be on a RPi in production). > > I've tried ChuWIki and Wikiss. In both case, i've > gotby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
Tested Raspberry Pi Zero 64Gb SD card only (no usb hub) Extended image to entire sd card in Lubutu with Gparted Initial configuration setup PirateBox' WiFi is available Connection to PirateBox' WiFi could be established RPi only SSH connection to PirateBox with the username alarm and the password alarm could be established RPi only Message of the day containing informatioby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (Development)
What I have managed to test initially. Done for the day. Tested Raspberry Pi 1 B+ with 2Gb SanDisk Cruzier & 8129cu wifi Initial configuration setup PirateBox' WiFi is available Connection to PirateBox' WiFi could be established RPi only SSH connection to PirateBox with the username alarm and the password alarm could be established RPi only Message of the day contaiby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (Development)
Raspberry Pi images: For Raspberry Pi 1 and Raspberry Pi Zero, use this image: Language: HTMLmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:1286060defdce630fe6cd411fe63fd0d831d59c2&dn=piratebox_rpi_1.1.0_devBuild-15-06-2016.zip&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.piratebox.cc%3a7070&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3a6969 For Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3, use this image: Language: HTMLmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:5by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (Development)
Should we make a new thread for 1.1.0?by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (Development)
Same problem being "I have telnet access. But I only have one minute access, then I have General error Ping"? Do you already have your usb drive prepared with the piratebox_install.zip unzipped into the root of the USB drive and plugged in BEFORE upgrading to the custom openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-squashfs-factory.bin firmware? Has the router rebooted by itself a few timesby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
alright, it seems your usb stick doesnt have a proper partition table. You should have an sda1 and/or sda2 (if you have multiple paririons) Backup the contents of the usb stick on your computer, re-format it FAT32, transfer files back over and try again on the MR3020. If it still doen't show up try these commands. Language: PHPmkdir /mnt/usb mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb Edit: Source starby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
mount dmesg | grep sda ls /dev/sd* ls -la /mnt/ ls -la /mnt/usb what are the outputs of the above commands? it seems to me its possible the usb stick is not mounted on the mr3020by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
Wow! That Domino Core could be very useful. Especially with all those GPIO pins!by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Hey Timeless, I just grabbed one of these off dx.com. This post is about a year old. When it comes in, I will adapt this tutorial to the A5-V11 device and make changes as needed. Once I have something working, I will write out a wiki page on it.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Yes. The upcoming Piratebox 1.1 will have web interface customizing features. I hope you know HTML! dragon Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi All, > > Got my new Rasp Pi3 working no problems over the > weekend so just playing with the setup in my junk > room. > > Would like to use this in my classroom(high school > comp studieby TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Another option, If you can still access LuCi interface at piratebox.lan:9080 or piratebox.lan:80 is to go to Backup/Flash firmware and click the reset button. That is what I do now. But if you cant access it via wifi, the "plug-in SD card on blinking(slow) light" reset SHOULD work. It should start blinking fast again.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
foodismedicine Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Low Cost: $20 for each, unmatched performance. > Interfaces:Hardware support USB, Ethernet, I2C, add another $20 for shipping... $40 not cheap!.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
In your piratebox.conf file, change all instances of wlan0 to wlan1 also change your interface in hostapd.conf from wlan0 to wlan1 and reboot. See if that works for you.by TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
how familiar are you with shell commands in linux?by TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
jackrooster Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >Now, if only PirateBox > natively supported NTFS drives.... It's possible, but requires installing extra packages. Some of us dropped the fat32 and opted for ext4 filesystem (linux native) but you loose the functionality of being able to read the usb drive on a windows computer. I'm working on a webby TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
If its not obvious, you have dumb friends. But on a nicer note, just change the "Click to Browse Files" text to "Download" on the main page. It is located at /opt/piratebox/www/index.html on the server. Also, you can edit the Header Text that currently explains what piratebox is, to instructions on how to download files. (click Browse files, right-click>save as on the fileby TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
There might be a lighttpd module that can be added to log(to a txt file) GET requests from your piratebox server. As we ship it, no there is not, that I know of.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox OpenWrt
Mehmet Karatas Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello everybody, > > can someone explain me how i can get work inserted > SDCARD on this ZsunOpenwrt device.I tried every > tutorials like extroot, and the tut of > TheExpertNoob dont worked for me.. And now i dont > know what i can do.. stuck where on tutorial did you get? did youby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
what device is piratebox running?by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
maqueen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > JUST REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO SAVE IT EVERYTIME, > download and then move back into www folder... or > changes won't hold. Seems like you dont have the proper permissions set on the file. You should be able to edit the tiddlywiki file from the web browser and it save automagically. It should be, chowned noby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)