apt-get update was ran, but not apt-get-upgrade (just needed to update package lists) Other than that, this was a clean install on a Raspberry Pi from the raspi .imgby TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
I know this was discussed in the IRC many moons ago, but I dont remember why we never implemented it. Every PirateBox install I do, I always add ntfs-3g package to support NTFS. Yes it has more overhead than fat32 but it supports larger file sizes. I cant remember if it was due to openwrt package space (why not add it to overlay/ext) or what. I add it to my rpi installs as they have more memory.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
can you provide a screenshot of your router;s port-forward setting for your piratebox? Also when you connect to your piratebox from the outside, use your router's public IP not your local ip.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
It SEEMS so far all the changes I made above fixed it. I haven't had any adverse affects when stopping piratebox interfering with other services un-related to piratebox that are running on my RPi2 (transmission, samba) So it seems Piratebox is the only thing on my RPi2 that uses python2. So changing all the links in code above to a hard link to /usr/bin/python2 should work. As the only thingby TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
I was thinking a dark red to go with the PirateBox logo theme.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
I didnt even know we has a subreddit until the other day. Ive subscribed and will try to help out where I can. FlyingPoo on reddit.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
hmm.... but still some minor issues with the shoutbox and disk usage. Shoutbox wont accept any input and the button is stuck on 'sending...' as well as the disk refresh button stuck on 'refreshing...' EDIT: Had to change the python path in lighttpd.conf to python2 as well.by TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
fixed droopy by adding '/usr/bin/python2' after -x and before the droopy file. However this method when killed will kill ALL scripts using python2 when piratebox is stopped as it kills python2 globally. Looks like we need to find a way to implement python2 instead of system default python if both v2 & v3 are installed or update python scripts for python 3.... maybe just clarify pby TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
As I suspected my system uses python3 by default for Samba. I can changed two lines in shoutbox_stuff.sh from python psogen.py generate python diskusage.py generate to python2 psogen.py generate python2 diskusage.py generate and seemed to fix it....except for droopy which I assume is still using python3 in piratebox_alt. Not sure how to clarify python2 in the start-stop-daemon the aby TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Im getting this error. i will look into the issue more later. Bedtime now. Oct 08 05:47:17 mediabox piratebox_alt[5995]: File "psogen.py", line 81 Oct 08 05:47:17 mediabox piratebox_alt[5995]: print htmlstring Oct 08 05:47:17 mediabox piratebox_alt[5995]: ^ Oct 08 05:47:17 mediabox piratebox_alt[5995]: SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'prby TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
By default, on OpenWRT devices at least, vfat partitions are mounted and owned by root. in fstab, you can add options so that it mounts and is owned my nobody/nogroup on bootup by adding these options in the fstab file after rw,sync and what ever else you have listed. I did this to allow droopy and piratebox to have RWX and everyone else RX status. umask=002,uid=65534,gid=65534 for Samba toby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (Development)
Is it just me or is the lime green on a light background hard to read?by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
Hey, my server has been down for some time and the zsun script to format a drive needs a place to sit for the DIY walthrough to work that is non-secured(no ssl). Right now I have it here. sorry I have been out of the development scene lately. Busy stuff.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
jacob Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > how did you manage to connect to such tiny pads? 1337 skillzby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox OpenWrt
I believe its in the content/img for images content/locals for text ...if using a separate USB drive for shared storage or /opt/piratebox/share/Shared/content/img /opt/piratebox/share/Shared/content/locals if using the spare space directly on the SD card. (requires linux, maybe OSX to access. Windows does not have native support for ext file systems.)by TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
ValouV Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- "Raspberry Pi Zero W Pirate Box" as an > wifi access point and, in the same time, have an > internet access on my computer by ethernet > connection. ~ > Valentin Yes, just be sure your DNS on your PC takes priority over what is on the piratebox (as mathis said, when you connect to the pirateboxby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
So I took this with me to a local gamer's gathering. (zsun) and boy was it a hit! I loaded it up with amiibo binaries and an apk to simulate HCE (host card emulation) as well as cheat codes and some smaller PC games (Halo CE, Wolfenstein,. Medal of Honor, Mech Commander games, ect) Some guys had the idea to use it to host game updates/ game servers. I replied it didnt have that kind of poweby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
Sorry I haven't been around in a while. Have any package dependencies been added between 1.0.7 to 1.1.2? Running through setup on a new Zsun as I write this. Edit: Welp, looks like everything is working except minidlna. Seems "openwrt.example.minidlna" points to "/mnt/usb/PirateBox/Shared" instead of "/opt/piratebox/share/Shared" Is this by design? I canby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox News and Events
Is the SSID on your MACOS saved? Maybe deleting it and re-adding it may work. Have you tried connecting to it from another device say a smartphone and see if it connects?by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox OpenWrt
What device?by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox OpenWrt
I tested mysql on the OpenWRT version of piratebox in the past, it was slow. It should work on the Raspberry Pi version. Install and set up the Arch Linux version of MySQL wit h the Raspberry Pi connected to the internet.by TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
did you change the index.html in opt/piratebox/www?by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox OpenWrt
/dev/sda1 is mounted to the wrong place. Should be /opt/piratebox/share and not /mnt/sda1 copy contents of /opt/piratebox/share to /mnt/sda1/share then you can manually edit /etc/config/fstab to make those changes. (change the target line) reboot and everthing SHOULD be ok.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Log looks sound. what does df -h produce from the command line? last line should be /dev/sda1 *some size info here* /opt/piratebox/shareby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
hmm... php5-mod-sqlite3_5.6.17-1_ar71xx.ipk radvd however has been removed from chaos calmer. I guess I need to get back into the game and catch up on what has been updated since I was last here.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
FYI, I am single now, but still have work. So I am back with more free time to test. ZSun, A5-V11, RPi Zero/1/2. Also, "Fall Break" is in a weeks time so I will have a full week to test.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox News and Events
Hey, you might want to check build version. it looks like it was built from when you merged pull request #153 a few months back.... or droopy chmod fix got missed...somehow?!?by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox News and Events
Anouso Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I just installed PirateBox 1.1. I thought, in this > build it would be easier to customize the > appearence. I would like to use the piratebox for > education purpose. For this i have to change the > "skin" of the piratebox. Is there an easier way to > do this? > Thank you for your help.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (Development)
Hey hey! Thanks! Just reporting in, I will be busy as well through the end of September as I work with the school system and they are just starting up this time of year here in the States. My last project was building a custom zsun piratebox image that would require little configuration. However, I got stuck on BATMAN-adv compiling for its kernel. Still no fix as of now.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox News and Events
Ssh into the box cd to the share directory Remove file with rm command.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)