Quotemeduza [*] Get internet working on the zsun using this method Not specific enough for the newcomers... Stepping down tutorial, report back later. maybe just link this also, not mentioned in that post; change the 'lan' ip to something other than your router's ip. ex. in /etc/config/network.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Nice finish-up! I was having issues getting the imageboard running as well; seems you fixed it. I'll run through your steps and verify.... as soon as I find that small thing.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
QuoteArtos Language: HTML[ 0.520000] mtd: partition "kernel" must either start or end on erase block boundary or be smaller than an erase block -- forcing read-only [ 0.530000] 0x00000010d124-0x0000003f0000 : "rootfs" [ 0.540000] mtd: partition "rootfs" must either start or end on erase block boundary or be smaller than an erase block -- forcing read-only anby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox OpenWrt
juanppacheco Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >I don't see anything popping up in my browser > though, and I can't seem to access the sharing > platform of Pirate Box. What do you think is > happening? Did you try pointing your browser to or any other non-https website? > Also, I was wondering if there is any chance in > whiby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox OpenWrt
Couldn't find my old reference but: echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio21/value toggles the sdcard for use as a thumbdrive in a computer to transfer files 0=attached to zsun 1=attached as usb drive Also got extroot working. sda1 is 2.7G fat32 sda2 is the ext3 overlay partition. Windows had trouble recognizing the fat32 partition on the second partition so I swapped them.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Im seeding in the US encrypted and non-encrypted(24/7). I know its working because I have some pretty nice seed back ratios. Anyone still having issues?by TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Regarding the second issue, it sounds like you may have successfully created the symlink and pointed it to /mnt/usbdrive/Shared (the ln command) either before or after succesfully moving files. That would give the error that those are the same file. Was the thumb drive previously formatted to fat32 with no other partitions before inserting it into the raspberry pi? This could also lead to theby TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
As far as " /dev/sda1 does not exist" Type: fdisk -l To see if your USB drive is listed as sda(1) It may be something different as sda2 or sdb1. As for the second issue, I'll look into it unless someone answers before I get back.by TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
This should help. If not, let us know where you get stuck. Note to, developers: I noticed this is fat32 formatted. Is this for "ease-of-use" in multiple OSs? Why not format it to something a little more native like ext4? Since fat32 is also limited to 4Gb/file, ext4 seems like a more viable solution. As I just discovered this now, I have been setting up my USB drive shares as ext4by TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
You need to bridge the connections.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox OpenWrt
damavox Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How the heck did you get a pi zero? if you can catch them in stock.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
Need some more info such as: OS your using WiFi dongle make/model Contents of: /etc/config/network /etc/config/wirelessby TheExpertNoob - Pi(rate)Box - unofficial images
anyone installed vsftpd? What are the upload speeds your getting?by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
stylesuxx Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > But it seems I got the Backport working - at least > it is producing an image. I will flash it today, > or tomorrow and keep you posted. make sure the zsun kernel supports AA in qemu before flashing (if you can do that as im not a frequent qemu user) as I believe the (only known from hackerspace) compiled zby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Why AA vs CC? I'm sure its because all scripts, packages and automation are built around AA?by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
stylesuxx Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > the following to /etc/config/network: > > config interface 'wwan' > option proto 'dhcp' Figured out my DNS issues, and it was so dumb. Be sure to change the lan ip to something other than your station's gateway. ex instead of TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
I went with Stylesuxx configuration.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
stylesuxx Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Did you configure it via Webinterface? If so I > guess it would be cool to post some info about > that too. Na, I gave up on that. I ended up doing it all over SSH. Also, I have noticed any packages and init.d scripts are remove upon sdcard reset. Hey, just so you know stylesuxx, I tried your configuraby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
I went with your setup as it doesn't require extra packages.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
I BELIEVE there is an arduino shield that has an SD card reader on it, however I'm not sure if you can direct data lines out to the GPIO pins. You may be able to host the SD card over the ethernet port on that shield and we could set up a boot-from-network for the test pi and have linux build and transfer the image to the arduino shield's SD card. Also, new signature.by TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Yes. I'm using a class 4, 4Gb card right now. Nothing on it. OpenWRT installs on the 15Mb space built into the Zsun. I also finally managed to turn it into a repeater following this guide. Next up, Im going to attempt to serve up some files from the Zsun.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
Got my Zsun in today. Followed this guide to install OpenWRT Connected and was able to get my AP running and get it connected to my router as a client. So now its running as an AP and a client. However I cant seem to get the two to bridge properly with the web interface. (I haven't tried SSH yet) Have any of you guys received your Zsun yet? What have you done with it so far? Alsoby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported
My zsun stick is out for delivery for today. So I shall dig into it when I get it.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
I retract my previous comment. Building with hard floats vs soft floats would yeild better performance.by TheExpertNoob - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
i just tested this with www.google.com, www.hotmail.com. www.piratebay.ca and even www.foo.bar. I didnt have issues. I only get the ajax error if I switch back to my regular AP and not PirateBox. Hereby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox (General)
I'm not the support expert on the MR3040, but it looks to me that ALL of the board files are missing. Nothing is there. Possibly the wrong directory? I know on the Raspberry Pi, the board is /opt/piratebox/share/board. Look in there. If you have created symlinks, be sure those point to the correct device & location. Your directory listing of the board should look like this or very simby TheExpertNoob - PirateBox OpenWrt
Navigate to your image board directory in ssh and run the command 'ls -al' without the quotes. Post what it says. Be sure to use the "code -> HTML strict" tag here on the forums to keep the formatting correct.by TheExpertNoob - PirateBox OpenWrt
I have three on the way from banggood.comby TheExpertNoob - PirateBoxes on OpenWrt - unsupported