Hello Matthias, Thank-you so much for your time and patience. After much testing and research I discovered that the issues was with the forum config. I had the forum address set to the public ip from when I was using it online instead of the local IP I was using on the PirateBox. So every time I went beyond the root level it was hitting a 404 and then the PB was taking over and redirectingby drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Wow! That is coool! Well doneby drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
No the second device is just running a variant of Raspian called Occidentalis V0.2. Can the domain name be an IP, for example In the Hosts file the syntax is: Localhost Would I put something like: It still seems to be redirecting. If this doesn't work is there a way just to turn off the redirect funcationality? Thanks so muchby drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
What are the most users that anyone has had connected at one time?by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
I'm not using forest, I'm using Phorum on an external device, is the code you've quoted still relevant? Is there a simple way of stopping redirects on certain IPs and sub folders?by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Hey all, Apologises if this has been covered in other forum posts but I couldn't seem to find the info that I'm after. I am running a PirateBox with a Raspberry Pi connected to it via ethernet. I have set-up a Phorum Forum on the Pi. The Pi is currently set to and the forum lives at [] - the inital page loads up but when I go to subsequent pages it redirecby drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Thanks for clearing that up Matthias. I'm gonna try some connection stress testing this afternoon. I'll be sure to post results here.by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Hey pabell, apologises for the late reply. I have a TP-Link MR 3020 sitting vertically in the flashlight. It's a pretty tight squeeze.by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
According to my friend the DHCP lease stays current while the connection is active. So from what I understand it isn't reassigning currently connected devices. This is not an area I'm super familar with so if my thinking is wrong please let me know.by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
After chatting with a friend he suggested that reducing the lease time on DHCP to 1 minute might solve overload problems? Does this sound right?by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Going by the amount of activity I've seen around the info tent in the past I'd say maybe between 20-30 connected at a time tops. I'm also thinking of setting up a php forum running on a raspberry pi that's connected to the piratebox via ethernet.by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Hey folks, Long time no talkie I know. I've been a little preoccupied with my Raspberry Pi ;D but I digress. I'm in the process of setting up a PirateBox for an outdoor dance party info tent and the organisers are wondering how many simultaneous connections there can there be? I'm running PirateBox on a TP-Link MR3220. Does anyone have any experience with this device? Theyby drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Go datarat! You rock. Matthias and the crew here on the forums are super nice and helpful. It's the friendly and most helpful forum I've ever been on. Long live PB!by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
I had some luck with the iCab Browser app for iOS. I don't have an iOS device anymore so I cannot double check this for you but it is worth a try. Good luck.by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
I plan on doing some stress testing soon also but not much bandwidth, more simulataneous connections. I'm building a box for an outdoor music festival that plans on serving info pdfs and run a forum. I'll also post my results.by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
I've got one running in some on Brougham Street in North Melbourne Check out the listing on and post your location there too!by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
I've set one up in an old torch: http://forum.daviddarts.com/read.php?2,524,4517#msg-4517 Granted, this version is a bit obvious but you could do the same without the stickers etc. Leave it in a cupboard or workspace.by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
I present to you.... The Starlifter PirateTorch!by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
No not that I can think of. I had a few glasses of red wine while in the process which didn't help.by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Great related success! So I ended up getting a MR3220 with one antenna instead of the 3420 because I'm planning on plugging an external wifi extender on to it and thought that having two antennas might mess with that. From what I can tell from the OpenWRT site is that it's a pretty similar process. I used the OEM easy install instructions and used this firmware file. Then I contiby drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Great success! My friend, Tom Cosm, posted a video of the short announcement / intro of the PirateBox I made him at the gig he played. The tunes are pretty sweet too. Announcement at 7:20 Peace, Dr Hby drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Hey everyone, Just thought I'd let you all know that a PirateBox I made for my friend Tom aka Tom Cosm is being used at a music festival in Germany. He is a big fan of open source music and gives all his music away for free. I'm also using my one at a party my friends and I are throwing here in Melbourne. And here's more details on that. SO EXCITING! Can't wait to seeby drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
All good Matthias, you're a hard working chap.by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Hi Matthias, Is there any chance you could just a more complete tutorial on how to do this? Getting the files in the right place and getting that 'symlink' stuff all sorted? Cheers, Benetby drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
I haven't had a chance to try this out yet but I plan to in the next couple of weeks. Wish me luck.by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Hey Lulzcatz! Here is a preview of the PirateBox landing page I'm working on! I'm calling it: Starlifter PBS (PirateBoxSystem). It uses a jQuery Slider as well! Peace, Dr Hby drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Thanks for the advice, that worked. I verified and repaired the drive in Mac OSX Disk Utility then formatted it for good measure. It's all up and running now. Time to get onto re-skinning the landing page. Yeah!by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
Hello again PBers, Thanks to all for all the help and support you've given me over the past few months. You all really do RAWK. My latest attempts at installing PB have resulted in Input/output errors. When you click try access the shared folder or board folder it just lists a whole bunch of garbled filenames. You also can't upload any files. Is it a permissions issue? I'vby drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
You bloody legend! You fix it. Well done. Thanks so much for that.by drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)
OK. I am using a iPhone 3GS running iOS5 and I've also experienced this on my work iPad. When I select the PB as the wifi network I want to connect to it automatically pops up with a window which looks like this: I can view pages and files within this view but mp3s don't stream. You can also chat in the chatbox. If I hit cancel it closes and drops the wifi connection. If I tryby drhitchcock - PirateBox (General)