Interesting. Can you please try running: /opt/piratebox/rpi/bin/ and post the output. Is hostapd running after you boot up the PI?by stylesuxx - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Hey community, we received some feedback regarding the UI of the piratebox, take a look here => Neither Matthias nor I are designers, we have some ideas what we would like to change, but we also want to know what YOU want to have changed. Mockups of the current UI with the changes you want to see are very stylesuxx - PirateBox (General)
We will keep that in mind for the next release - wish list for 1.0.8 is closed for stylesuxx - PirateBox (Development)
I am just wondering, did you try the image provided by us?by stylesuxx - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
I guess you have a WiFi adapter that does not support AP, or is not supported by us. Which Wifi Stick do you have exactly?by stylesuxx - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
You could try the fallback mode and enter network informations on the file on the boot partition of the sd card. This is most probably because your wifi stick does not support AP mode or we do not support your wifi stick. Please also tell us which WiFi stick you are using. Also you should be able to connect via serial, so no need for ethernet ;-)by stylesuxx - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Image is not available, maybe you can upload it toby stylesuxx - PirateBox OpenWrt
Yes, you need to set up your computer with the static IP The router has when in rescue mode - so you need to be in the same subnet for it to be stylesuxx - PirateBox OpenWrt
I am closing this topic now. Wish time is over for the next release. I added issues to the gh repo accordingly: Thank you for all your stylesuxx - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Yeah, we can make a milestone for 1.0.8by stylesuxx - PirateBox (Development)
Oh, that's cool. Thanks for the information, we need to write that up somewhere :-)by stylesuxx - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
OK, this is fine with me. So lets set it in stone ;-)by stylesuxx - PirateBox (Development)
As mentioned in IRC, I build a new image. It is already seeding - we will add that to the instructions in the next couple of days. The build 1 image does not work because it is missing device tree and firmware needed for the RPi stylesuxx - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
We have two topics dedicated to collecting ideas for the next release: * * There are already quite a lot ideas. I would suggest the following time table: * 13.3 Wishlist freeze * 14.3 - 20.3 Planning - Work through the wishes/issues/bugs and add according issues to the github repos and assign to developers * 21.3 - 10.4 Development - Everything that is not finished on 10.4 goes to the bby stylesuxx - PirateBox (Development)
Yes they are digital. But you could in theory build something with an AD converter, but you'll still only have a resolution of 3(4 if you remove the switch)Bit,... Pretty sure the LED's are also just driven by a voltage divider, so taking the LED state as input should be stylesuxx - Mods and Themes
Not sure if */var/log/messages* (or similar) is available and persistent between boots, if it is, you can evaluate that. Otherwise: On shutdown all running processes should be shut down cleanly, eg.: receive a SIGTERM/SIGKILL message. So you could hack up a small app that touches/writes a file when it receives SIGTERM/SIGKILL messages. I am just wondering, what is your use case? I'dby stylesuxx - Mods and Themes
That would be a multi part process. First make sure you have a script that can read the GPIO states. Then take a look at the code that is updating the shoutbox. This is pulling information from a script, and this is basically the same thing you have to do, once you can read the GPIO states. Technically you should be able to use GPIO 14, 15, 19 and 20. Another thing you could try, is to chby stylesuxx - Mods and Themes
Nah, this is just for the status LED's, you can toggle them, but that is pretty much it. ath9k is quite sure not responsible for the power LED's. I am pretty sure that the power LED's are not controlled by software, it is much simpler to build this in hardware. You can check what GPIO pins are used for which functionality here => Technically you _could_ hack somethingby stylesuxx - Mods and Themes
You could check the files in /sys/class/power_supply/by stylesuxx - Mods and Themes
You are right, the link is working, but it is a link to imgur in an image tag,... I'll edit stylesuxx - Mods and Themes
Unfortunately often the power LED circuit is only in hardware and does not feed back to the OS - I think this might be the case with this device too, but I do not have one, so this is only stylesuxx - Mods and Themes
Tell us which part of the documentation was not clear to you. This is a community project, so everyone has the chance (and is very welcome) to improve it and we rely on the community to do so. Just posting that something on some device some how at some point is not working makes it really difficult for us to improve anything. Please elaborate and we will try to fix it. Also as others beforby stylesuxx - PirateBox (General)
You can just skip enabling of timesave and you should be good to stylesuxx - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Translation sounds like a good idea, maybe one central file where we can dump translation strings - not sure if there were plans on implementing this. Matthias, maybe you can give some insight on this topic? I do not know what folder.jpg support exactly means, can you explain this a bit in detail? There is minidlna in place you can use as media center,... is there any special software you haveby stylesuxx - PirateBox (General)
Did you try the way mentioned in the MOTD text when you log in to your Pi via SSH? There is a helper script that should do all the work for you, you only need to have a FAT32 formatted USB stick attached, then run: sudo /opt/piratebox/rpi/bin/usb_share.shby stylesuxx - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
Things have quite changed since the last version, although setting the ESSID should not have been changed. ESSID may be changed in /opt/piratebox/conf/hostapd.confby stylesuxx - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box
OK, that is great to hear. Did you open a thread regarding the problems with the official image? Maybe we can improve the stylesuxx - Pi(rate)Box - unofficial images
Is there a reason you are not using the official image? I guess you can not resize the partition because it is mounted, stylesuxx - Pi(rate)Box - unofficial images
josephchrzempiec Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello thank you. I'm having a hard time to setting > up the priatebox on my raspberry pi . The manual > page is a lot confusing to me sense I'm not a > linux guy. If you tell us what is confusing you, we can work on improving it ;-)by stylesuxx - Raspberry Pi(rate)Box